AdamBertDaily Blog

May 6, 2010

Adam, Come Home! Today’s the day!

Welcome Home Adam!

adamlambert Back in Hollywood! Ran into my old friend Anna Kendrick in airplane lounge and found out we were on the same flight! Great to catch up!  (5PM PST)


Couple of pictures from Johnathan Ross Show to be aired tomorrow




Thanks to my good friend @lharrington4 for creating this collage! (smaller version at bottom of page)



Great Long Interview from Day after Mardi Gras in Australia in a  Beanie!

And checkout these beautiful expressions from Adam!

“You know what they say about guys with big feet…. they have big feet!”


Monterrific So good to be home! Now I can see my babies be born! For a second there, I could have missed that rare (cont)

(those babies are going to have a bazillion fans… very excited for your growing family!)

Monterrific @Longineu was threatened with being arrested on the plane for talking on his phone at the gate. I didn’t know (cont)

New Pics Tweeted by Monte

NirvanaDC looking forward to seeing @adamlambert & Jake Gyllenhaal on Jonathan Ross BBC1 Friday 7th May @ 10.45pm

(that’s tomorrow!!)

TommyJoeRatliff OMG i got my ass whopped! Check this video out — Adam Lambert VS TOmmy “Pepe Le Pew” Ratliff

Tommy, we know that is not very realistic.  I mean, Adam didn’t even pull your hair once!


Pictures from the Attitude Party Last Night


Adam Lambert Meets Jedward


Come Home…Performed by Adam Lambert at the Upright Cabaret

(We know how it feels… we want you back in North America already! So excited for the GlamNation tour)


Posted by @adamsmadams Interview on their site (and the AL quote of the year!)

Interviewer:  I can  completely understand why you have loads of girls screaming after you.

Adam:  (Laughs) “It is kind of ironic.  That’s a good way to put it.  I think it’s a beautiful compliment and I think that  ultimately what I do for a living is I provide illusion and escape and joy for people when I’m performing…. Brad Pitt.. a lot of females think he is beautiful and they fantasize about him and they go  oh he’s so sexy… but he has a wife.  So what are the chances of you even sleeping with him?  He’s taken.  He’s got kids. It’s kind of the same thing what I do,  except I’m just sleeping with boys.”

Adam, you are so adorable!  Big Smile!

This is my new favorite Adam Lambert Interview!  Thanks to Adamgasmic!



 Very Cool Map of Adam’s Glamnation Tour Locations,-98.701172&spn=46.95621,79.013672&source=embed


Short MTV Interview with Jessie of Ripped Pants Fame

(Posted again in case you missed it late last night)


Did You see GaGa on Idol Last Nite? 

 Thought she was good… but, heres THE MAN!


Adam’s Performances From London and Europe ( all in one place)

Lets Throw a Few New (to me) Pics of Tommy in for fun!


How Adam has inspired you, changed you, and changed your life?        

            How has Adam inspired me?  Well, that is a very good question which needs a long and detailed answer.  But because of the intensity of the effect Adam has on me, my answer would be many, many pages long!  So I’ll try to just explain the key, main points, which for some are hard to put into words, as you probably know. 

            For starters, last year, just before American Idol started, I was in grade eight and becoming kind of a “cookie-cutter” plain-dressed kid just about to graduate dreaded elementary school.  About to move on to bigger and better high school, I wanted to fit in, get good grades, and mostly just have fun.  When I saw Adam on American Idol, I was amazed at how calmly he carried himself, the obvious style he had, how he didn’t care what anyone else thought, and also his incredible talent.  I looked at that television and thought, “I want to be that cool and smooth with the way I present myself and in tune with who I am and my inner self.”  Every week I would rush to turn on the TV, at least five minutes early so I’d be sure I wouldn’t miss any of Adam’s always incredible performances, and when he’d come on I’d sit in aw as he put on beautiful performances, week after week.  This gave me the confidence to dress more fashionable, with my own style and present myself to my friends and others much more confidently.  As a result, I became more enjoyable and fun to hangout with, and I was happier with  who I was, as well as becoming a better person and being more open to try new things, like rowing or playing the guitar. I believe more in myself and never let something stand in the way of pursuing my dreams.

            Adam has changed myself, my life by inspiring me to take risks, embrace the inner me, not change for anybody but myself, not care what people think.  If you don’t believe in yourself, no one will believe in you.  Lastly, He taught me that if you only do what people tell you to do and what they tell you is right and wrong, you will never be your own person.  I now know being “cookie-cutter” and ordinary isn’t who you should be, you should be you.   

            In closing, I thought two Adam Lambert quotes that sum up how he has inspired and changed me and my life and help me believe in myself and pursue my dreams everyday would be appropriate. 

In the words of a truly great, inspirational man,

“Love overcomes hate.  Love knows no color.  Love knows no orientation. Love is all.” 

“Don’t do as I do, do as YOU do!” 

-Adam Lambert

 Thank you      

 Written and submitted by @Minor_Niner

(Minor_Niner.. thank you for this beautiful letter.  You know, I am an Adam Lambert quote fanatic so thanks for including your favorites!   You are amazing!)



 Could you please leave a comment … need some feedback people!


For help in finding things on this site, check out “Adamquotedaily for Dummies”  here!

Twitter followers:  446,300 (+900) 

Adam Official members:   65,640 (+ 300)

Adam Official website:    

If you are not already a member, please join this site.  It’s important for Adam’s success to have a growing, vibrant official fan site.  There is a great deal of good information there including messages from Adam. If you have had a problem joining or getting a password, send an email to and ask them to look into it or let me know if you still have any trouble. Please email your username to or DM @adamquotedaily (update:  Im in Adamofficial camp… blocked my account so please try to email the mod yourself..hopefully, one of these days I’ll be back on the site… can’t even get the numbers of fans anymore!)

If you have any questions about Adam or are looking for any videos, interviews, etc  feel free to ask me at @adamquotedaily.  I can’t promise answers but I’m willing to try. 

Please rate this post and/or leave a comment.  Thanx

We need these without the marks… if you have them, please tweet me with the links!

May 5, 2010

A Second to Breathe? Not Likely!

Filed under: Adam Travels — adamquotedaily @ 8:38 am
Tags: , , , ,


Short MTV Interview with Jessie of Ripped Pants Fame


Adam (Not from?)Tonight Looking Gorgeous and Happy

This Picture is from Stockholm in April  according to Pia and the guy is Danny who was on Idol a couple of years ago… Thanks1

Tittilate Interview

Interviewer:  I can  completely understand why you have loads of girls screaming after you.

Adam:  (Laughs) “It is kind of ironic.  That’s a good way to put it.  I think it’s a beautiful compliment and I think that  ultimately what I do for a living is I provide illusion and escape and joy for people when I’m performing…. Brad Pitt.. a lot of females think he is beautiful and they fantasize about him and they go  oh he’s so sexy… but he has a wife.  So what are the chances of you even sleeping with him?  He’s taken.  He’s got kids. It’s kind of the same thing what I do,  except I’m just sleeping with boys.”

Adam, you are so adorable!  Big Smile!


Adam in Germany… from Adam Official


Tweets from Taping in UK today

Idolsnow ADAM LAMBERT guests on “Friday Night With Jonathan Ross” May 7 on BBC-1 in the U.K., airs May 14 on BBC-America in the U.S.

@JBGyllenhaal: Having a great time with @adamlambert in the Jonathan Ross greenroom

Ki55andTELL Adam was fantastic. Came across really well. Sang some of wwfm acapella 

KI55andTELL Elvis hair suit leopard boots

KI55andTELL Talked about ama kiss. Said tommy straight but he got lucky as t is cute

shoshannastone such a hilarious interview. watch on Friday night to see it. Adam is now eating crisps and watching Jake do his interview


More New/Old Pictures









Adam Lambert adamlambert London! Good to be back! Even if it’s only for a day… about 3 hours ago via Echofon (4:30 AM EST)

 LambertWatchUK Adam’s back in London and getting ready for an interview for the Jonathan Ross show this afternoon which will go out on Friday night




New Concerts Announced





















This was my Thank You to Adam, the Universe and You!

 (In case you didn’t notice a few days ago!)

How to Break the Top 100 on in 30 days or less!

1) Chose a topic with unlimited information and beauty; preferably talk about someone who has the utmost talent, grace, wisdom, depth, spirituality, beauty, intelligence, humility, sweetness, sexiness, creativity, authenticity, otherworldness and is close to perfection! Ensure that there are so many unbelievably gorgeous visuals of your topic that every choice of illustration will seem as though you worked hard to find the perfect one!

2) Jump right in and share your passion, love, creativity and happiness . Have no clue about what you are doing but so much love that it doesn’t matter. Believe in automatic writing… that the proper words and stories will appear.  Trust that the Universe will send you exactly what you need  and that every post will be exactly the way it is meant to be.

3) Find an international group of the most fun-loving, beautiful, devoted, passionate,  kind and loving  followers and friends who are hungry for information.  They must devour every single word about your topic and support you 100% in your pursuits.  Ask anything of these friends. They do not say NO!  They will answer your every question , appreciate everything you do and  surround you with love.  All fear flies out of the window and your only goal  is to provide this group with every exciting bit of information available, preferably in real-time where possible.

4) Dream that in some small way, there is a higher purpose for all your IFLAFL ing!  Have this mission statement in mind:


REALLY.. Thank you all so much for allowing me the privilege of talking about Adam! I am grateful and humbled beyond imagination.


Get Excited about the Glamnation Tour!

Thanks to @peacefrogdesign for these inspirational bits!


Posted by @fabulousClaudia

 Adam Interview from Lincs FM


Great Album Review

The success rate of American Idol alumni in the UK is patchy at best. While the likes of Kelly Clarkson, Jordin Sparks and Jennifer Hudson have all achieved chart success on these shores, previous winners such as Ruben Studdard, Taylor Hicks and David Cook can’t get arrested.

Despite the odds being somewhat stacked against him, Adam Lambert could prove to be a rare success story. His debut album boasts more A-Listers than a Grammys after-party, with the likes of Lady Gaga, Pink, Muse’s Matthew Bellamy and OneRepublic’s Ryan Tedder all contributing tracks. The result is a varied, yet surprisingly cohesive pop record, which ranges from flamboyant glam rock (Music Again) to sleazy electro-pop (For Your Entertainment).

Lambert shines brightest when he shows off the theatrical side to his personality. Strut, with its funky bassline and playful lyrics, and Gaga-penned Fever, with its infectious swagger, both stand out as clear highlights.

However, he’s also perfectly capable of expressing emotion too. Whataya Want From Me, with its hooky guitar riffs and impassioned lyrics, perfectly demonstrates his more vulnerable side, with him singing sincerely: ‘I’m a freak, but thanks for loving me’. While the track possesses many of the lyrical trademarks of its writer Pink, you’d struggle to find a song better suited to him.

At eighteen tracks long, For Your Entertainment is something of an endurance test, but it doesn’t disappoint. (Editors note!  Send me more… I want to endure!)

Best track: Next single Whataya Want From Me. Pink can do no wrong in our eyes.

Best lyric: ‘I want your body, mind, soul etc.’ (from Music Again)

Rating: 4 out of 5


Let’s Talk about Adam

Tonight at 10:00PM EST…Mark your calendar!  I’ll be there.. (if Adam hasn’t totally crashed me by then)














When You are Online… Listen Here… Lots of Adam!  Love this station!

and they love us too!

mcmonsterradio What I like about Adam Lambert fans is that you are so kind and warm hearted. Lady Gaga fans are too once you get to know ’em 🙂 (2AM EST)


 VH1’s best 100 videos of 2010 list (so far)

#1 Whataya Want From Me!!!

#6 For Your Entertainment!!


TOMMY by Tiia Ohman – Such a pretty boy! Love him!

“He’s an earth angel, kind- hearted, exudes sweetness, very pretty, and everyone wants to pull his hair!”

Thanks to FWB


Does anyone have this picture without the water mark on it?  Please send ASAP!

My new favorite Adam Lambert picture needs another viewing!


  Alison in Manilla… Talks about Adam and Glamnation Tour at 5:39 (briefly) 


“Adam Lambert continued to have the top-selling Idol track, as Whataya Want From Me topped 52,000 for the week.”

Adam… You are beautiful!


Very Cool Piano Cover of Can’t Let You Go… with Lyrics

(such a beautiful song… thanks!)



My 3000th Follower- Pihla!

Follow her on twitter:

So many Adam Lambert fans and so many stories!

Pihla is from Finland and first saw Adam on the AI audition show.  (It’s broadcast in Finland!) Her favorite song is Broken Open and favorite performances are  “Whole Lotta Love” on AI and “Fever” at Fantasy Springs.

” Keep on supporting Adam 😉 He’s the best thing in music industry since Elvis, The Beatles and Queen. I have met him quickly face-to-face and it was something unforgettable.
I met him at Stockmann. There was this signing event and I got his autograph. I had a chance to say stuff like thank you for coming and everything and he thanked me for coming 🙂 I had like ten seconds and I thought I can’t miss this chance to say even something..!”

Pihla… thanks for following me and for being an amazing Finbert! You guys are incredible and we adore you for supporting Adam so perfectly!


 Could you please leave a comment and let me know that you did… need some feedback people!


For help in finding things on this site, check out “Adamquotedaily for Dummies”  here!

Twitter followers:  445,450 (+1200) 

Adam Official members:   65,260 (+ 360)

Adam Official website:    

If you are not already a member, please join this site.  It’s important for Adam’s success to have a growing, vibrant official fan site.  There is a great deal of good information there including messages from Adam. If you have had a problem joining or getting a password, send an email to and ask them to look into it or let me know if you still have any trouble. Please email your username to or DM @adamquotedaily (update:  Im in Adamofficial camp… blocked my account so please try to email the mod yourself..hopefully, one of these days I’ll be back on the site… can’t even get the numbers of fans anymore!)

If you have any questions about Adam or are looking for any videos, interviews, etc  feel free to ask me at @adamquotedaily.  I can’t promise answers but I’m willing to try. 

Please rate this post and/or leave a comment.  Thanx

May 4, 2010

Bliss Crash! Another Adam Day in Zurich!

Filed under: Adam Travels — adamquotedaily @ 7:18 am


adamlambert “There’s a thin line tween a dark side and a light side” (3pm EST)



More blissfulness:

Last night , thanks to the incredible pictures from Zurich and the Adam Lambert songs on @Mcmonsterradio, I experienced a Bliss Crash (thanks to @finewinebaby for the term!)  Looking forward to another one today!  Lots of good stuff so I’m warning you all.  Being on this blog today will likely be dangerous to your productivity and could also affect your health! 

Joy can be a challenge but hope you experience lots of it!

The Face of No Bliss

Lightened version by @scorpios4adam



(So if Im feeling too blissful tonight, I’m going to stare at this picture!)


This video makes me wanna cry… IFLAFL! (different view from yesterday)


Thanks to my girlfriend @ellenspen for posting and sending!!! MUAH!


Thanks to @michaellovesadam

And take a look at my fav Adam expression again!


Zurich Acoustic  Performances

(Unfortunately, they are dark but listen cause they are incredible!)

Broken Open


Whataya Want from Me

Sleepwalker (2 versions)

Music Again

Mad World



adamaniac85 @adamlambert “privilege” is perfect. use any word u like as long as u follow it by “I love you all so much!” & “my glamberts” it’s all good.


New Old Pictures


Four pictures above and more from this link:

Thanks to Moondance92 for providing it!



Let’s Talk about Adam

Tomorrow night at 10:00PM EST…Mark your calender!  I’ll be there.. (if Adam hasn’t totally crashed me by then)


Go Here for IIHY Information:


He’s one of the best singers, if not the best singer on the whole planet”

Part 1

Part 2


My New Favorite Radio Station Online- Check them out!


They play great music,  no commercials and lots of Adam.  Really supportive of Adam Lambert  (and smart for being that way!)

(They played Acoustic WLL right at my bedtime last night… great dreams! Also heard Pick U Up and Rabbit Hole and some others)


You are a Pretty Boy!

Adam makes up the interviewer!  He wants to spend a week on Tahiti!  Me too! Rayganborga!

Close up of Adam’s hands!

Two pics above courtesy of @ellenspen!



Posted by @cutiepi300

Tweet this link to anyone who needs to see this!


German Ad for Adam


Radio Interview


Album review: Adam Lambert – For Your Entertainment

Adam outshines even his stellar backers

Published Date: 04 May 2010

By Fiona Shepherd

“GENERALLY, it doesn’t pay to export graduates from reality singing contests, Kelly Clarkson, Leona Lewis and Susan Boyle being the only successful transatlantic exchanges to date.
Adam Lambert wasn’t even the winner, but runner-up on last year’s American Idol but it’s a mark of his tremendous vocal chops and showmanship that he’s getting the international push with an eclectic debut, boasting a stellar writing line-up, including Lady Gaga, Pink, Linda Perry, Muse’s Matt Bellamy, Weezer’s Rivers Cuomo and ex-Darkness frontman Justin Hawkins, and production from Rob Cavallo and Max Martin among others.

Far from being swamped by his collaborators, Lambert rises to the top of this gleaming, commercial cocktail of glam rock, electro pop and swooning balladry with flamboyant, falsetto flair. An astute pop star is born.”

(Go and leave a comment if you can!)
Can’t Let this song Go!
CLYG is #11!!!!!!!!!!!


Acoustic WWFM and MA from Holland -lots of views of the band and Vocal Perfection and the Kradison Jacket!

Love this!!!


BE SURE TO CHECK BACK LATER FOR UPDATES ALL DAY LONG! Its going to be another day with constant additions to this blog.

 Could you please leave a comment and let me know that you did… need some feedback people!


For help in finding things on this site, check out “Adamquotedaily for Dummies”  here!

Twitter followers:   444,340 (+1600) 

Adam Official members:    64,900 (+ 300)

Adam Official website:    

If you are not already a member, please join this site.  It’s important for Adam’s success to have a growing, vibrant official fan site.  There is a great deal of good information there including messages from Adam. If you have had a problem joining or getting a password, send an email to and ask them to look into it or let me know if you still have any trouble. Please email your username to or DM @adamquotedaily (update:  Im in Adamofficial camp… blocked my account so please try to email the mod yourself..hopefully, one of these days I’ll be back on the site… can’t even get the numbers of fans anymore!)

If you have any questions about Adam or are looking for any videos, interviews, etc  feel free to ask me at @adamquotedaily.  I can’t promise answers but I’m willing to try. 

Please rate this post and/or leave a comment.  Thanx

May 3, 2010

Request ‘If I Had You’ at your favorite radio station now!!! Let’s blow this shit up!!!

Filed under: Adam Travels — adamquotedaily @ 7:46 am

New Interview

(Truthfully, I do not have the strength to listen to this now… the pictures and WWL acoustic on @McMonsterradio have done me in.  So let me know if its good… forget it, its Adam Lambert… of course its good !TTYL!  GN! )

Thanks @Adamgasmic!

Call the Glambulance now!!!

I need a full explanation.  Who was at that party?  How did they get invited?  When is my turn?


IIHY Cover for Canada… thanks to my dear friends @virg1877 and @wowpriscilla!!!

Any picture for the cover is OK with me but I would really like to know what goes on in the minds of the people  making these decisions.  LOL!h

Adam and Monte in Zurich

Thanks to @fabulousclaudia for posting!


Today in Adamland!

UK release… #7 on HMV top 100 Albums

idolsnow: ADAM LAMBERT’s “Whataya Want From Me” goes top 5 on the Adult Top 40 chart, rising 6-4

theboygeorge Adam Lambert – For Your Entertainment (Deluxe Version) – #iTunes

(Thank you Boy George!  You Rock!!)

briarswt  IIHY HAS IT’S FIRST RADIO ADD (when I look at this it says No Adds but what do I know?)

FinnishFollower All the shelves at Stockmann that were full of FYEs yesterday were empty today. Yay!


Thanks to @sweetsexysean for posting!

Interview at  Finnish X Factor


The 5:19 Show

Adam starts 6:30

Monterrific @ariesgirl57 we just did an acoustic showcase. another one of a kind performance. There we’re parts that we’re “off the chain” as they say about 1 hour ago via (3:30PM EST)

(you are killing us Monte… send us a link!)


News from our Master Guitarist, Soloist, Eyeliner Rocking Travel Advisor

Monte Pittman Monterrific  Just landed safely in Zurich. (6:30AM EST, 12:30PM Zurich time)


Partying in Helsinki… thanks to @insomniac for pointing it out!



 Adam’s tweets – I love it when he serenades us on twitter!

adamlambert Photo by Lee Cherry

adamlambert Request IF  I HAD YOU w your fav radio station but remember: once a day! Don’t abuse the privledge! 🙂 I love you all so much! about 7 hours ago via Echofon

adamlambertThere’s a thin line tween a dark side and a light side” about 5 hours ago via Echofon

adamlambert “the flashing of the lights- It might feel so good, but I got you stuck on my mind!” about 5 hours ago via Echofon


Adam and Perez Have Words! – Knockout awarded to Lambert!!


Very Special thanks to @Unix11 for creating this  great picture and sending it to me! MUAH!

(Gotta admit I have a tiny bit of sympathy for Perez… after all, he’s in the same boat as all us women!)

 and did anyone else feel a little tingle of  joy  like me and GlamGirl1851 when Adam tweeted “My Glamberts”?

GlamGirl1851 @adamlambert I love it that you said “my glamberts” – I am definitely proud to be one!! :o)


Thanks to @Scorpios4Adam for posting!


My New Favorite Radio Station Online- Check them out!


They play great music, no commercials and lots of Adam.  Really supportive of Adam Lambert  (and smart for being that way!)


Finnish Interview… Great Mask!

Adam Lambert’s interview with Tero Paloniemi for the Finnish tabloid Iltalehti

Thanks to @crazyforlambert!


Adam Talks Fashion


Adam Lambert’s new single Cover Art shot and designed by me.

A couple of weeks ago Adam and I did a shoot at Miahaus Studios in Hollywood. The first image was released yesterday via Adam tweeting it. It is the cover art to his upcoming single, If I Had You. For those of you who have been asking..Yes, more photos will be released soon as well as some other fun treats. Enjoy!


Another Beautiful View of WWFM Acoustic- Closeup with Fish swimming

Thanks to @libraglamb for finding this version for me after I lost it tis AM!


Adam.. We want you this happy always!!


Adam Greets His Fans at Signing in Finland…. Finberts Rock! We love you!

Crowd at Signing and Singing WWFM


Comprehensive Article on Adam and Bill


 LambertWatchUK  Congratulations to Adam on scoring his first UK top 40 single! UK version of FYE album out today with 4 bonus tracks – get your copy now!


More Pictures from X-factor here… some really great ones!


Rabbit Hole 3FM Concert

There are several other videos which you can access on youtube… look to the right!


Incredible pics from Heaven:


Amazing Fan Review of Meeting Adam with tons of pictures!

@salmiaggi: My review of meeting Adam and Adam’s performance with photos can be found here:


Inspiring Story of the Day – Reposted with contact and pictures!

Pictures and story by @hhiihhii9

Dear Adamquotedaily,

            I wanted to take the time to write this letter for your contest, because I thought it was a great idea and Adam has inspired me in so many ways.

            Ever since the amazing Adam Lambert has come into my life, he has never failed to feed my creativity and give me something artistic to work at. The amazing influence of Adam has finally made me realize that you can follow dreams. I have dreamed of being a singer and going on Idol for years but I always told myself, “You’ll never be able to make it” because I was afraid of failure. Seeing Adam’s inspirational journey from school weirdo to world-wide phenomenon showed me that anything is possible. I also happen to be in much the same position with the weirdo situation; I always earn myself funny looks as I’m walking through the halls of my school. But now his strength has given me the courage to become the lead singer, along with another of my friends, in a band we are forming named “The Queens of Broken Hearts” and I’m planning to audition for Idol as well.

            Adam is so confident, beautiful, and fearless; he makes an amazing subject to draw as well. I have drawn countless pictures of this glittery alien that we love so much and he has been my muse for months now. My friends and family members, along with many of my teachers have always been telling me that I am an awesome drawer, but for a few years now, I have had little to no inspiration so I had practically stopped altogether. Then came Adam. He gave me something to draw again; everybody has been pleased that my artistic skills have come back into play. I’ve been drawing practically non-stop since he popped into my life and filled it with laughter and glitter. A recent drawing of Adam that I have completed earned me a place in an art show that is coming up this week.

            Lately I have been going through some pretty hard times, with friend betrayal that hit where it hurts and people who try to kick me when I’m down. The only reason I’ve made it this far is because of Adam, I’ve been tempted to give up several times, but he keeps me strong and lets me know that there is something worth holding onto. I wrote a song for him, titled “Set me Free” talking about how he never fails to do just that, and keep me standing even though the world keeps kicking me to my knees. He helps me deal with everything that’s going on right now by providing a temporary escape so that I can leave the world behind and follow Adam, whether the song is taking me Down the Rabbit Hole, showing me that it will be alright in the Aftermath or saying that A Change is Gonna Come and everything will be better.

            Thank you for taking time to read my entry and I hope you enjoyed it. I feel that Adam is such an inspiration to the whole world and that needs to be recognized. He truly is a beautiful and amazing person, inside and out.

(I love your art work… thanks so much for sharing!)


BE SURE TO CHECK BACK LATER FOR UPDATES ALL DAY LONG! Could you please leave a comment and let me know that you did… need some feedback people!


For help in finding things on this site, check out “Adamquotedaily for Dummies”  here!

Twitter followers:   442,675  (+1300) 

Adam Official members:    64,600 (+ 180)

Adam Official website:    

If you are not already a member, please join this site.  It’s important for Adam’s success to have a growing, vibrant official fan site.  There is a great deal of good information there including messages from Adam. If you have had a problem joining or getting a password, send an email to and ask them to look into it or let me know if you still have any trouble. Please email your username to or DM @adamquotedaily (update:  Im in Adamofficial camp… blocked my account so please try to email the mod yourself..hopefully, one of these days I’ll be back on the site… can’t even get the numbers of fans anymore!)

If you have any questions about Adam or are looking for any videos, interviews, etc  feel free to ask me at @adamquotedaily.  I can’t promise answers but I’m willing to try. 

Please rate this post and/or leave a comment.  Thanx

May 2, 2010

Happy Dance in Helsinki!

Filed under: Adam Travels — adamquotedaily @ 8:43 am


Adam Tweeted this Picture- Single Cover for If I Had You!

Love it Adam.. You are gorgeous and the song is amazing!

 Photo & cover art by  @leecherry  (husband of scarlett cherry)


X-Factor Adam sings WWFM

On Youtube



Thanks to @Ki55andtell for pictures above!


Whole Show

Click on button that says Katso and watch short add.. then move forward to Adam

Adam Starts at 3:42


Funny Interview and Acoustic WWFM  X De Leeuw April 30?  Adamnesia has set in!


Thanks to Marjadesmits for posting!

Posted by the very handsome man next to Adam in this picture @Jim_Bakkum 


The Most Gorgeous Creature EVER!! Adam Lambert!

Thanks to Netmeg99 for posting this spectacular vision of perfection!

The entire picture from Brutus Magazine…Deja vu?  No complaints! Thanks to  @mmyy9 for posting!

The guy in the picture is David Specter… a TV personality in Japan.  Thanks to ALfann for the info!


This is how WordPress… the site I blog on… described itself yesterday!

Freshly Pressed: Subscribe The best of 275,954 bloggers, 218,393 new posts, 252,345 comments, & 49,051,035 words today on

And look at who was #93 yesterday- I have no idea how this is determined but its pretty impressive, I think!

Blogs of the Day

May 2, 2010: Top Posts

Unfiltered (RSS)

93. (Out of 218,393 posts yesterday!)

Adam Lambert – Send Oxygen!    (This is my post from yesterday….take a look if you haven’t already!)

This is Enough for today… just this one picture….send oxygen, please!  BRUTUS 2010 May 15 issue …. […]

Adamquotedaily’s Blog

Tags: Great Information.


It has been exactly one month since I started this blog.  Hard to believe because I feel like I’ve done it forever.  But now that I’ve obviously become an expert (LOL….not!), I thought I would share my secrets for success.  So here it comes:

How to Break the Top 100 on in 30 days or less!

1) Chose a topic with unlimited information and beauty; preferably talk about someone who has the utmost talent, grace, wisdom, depth, spirituality, beauty, intelligence, humility, sweetness, sexiness, creativity, authenticity, otherworldness and is close to perfection! Ensure that there are so many unbelievably gorgeous visuals of your topic that every choice of illustration will seem as though you worked hard to find the perfect one!

2) Jump right in and share your passion, love, creativity and happiness . Have no clue about what you are doing but so much love that it doesn’t matter. Believe in automatic writing… that the proper words and stories will appear.  Trust that the Universe will send you exactly what you need  and that every post will be exactly the way it is meant to be.

3) Find an international group of the most fun-loving, beautiful, devoted, passionate,  kind and loving  followers and friends who are hungry for information.  They must devour every single word about your topic and support you 100% in your pursuits.  Ask anything of these friends. They do not say NO!  They will answer your every question , appreciate everything you do and  surround you with love.  All fear flies out of the window and your only goal  is to provide this group with every exciting bit of information available, preferably in real-time where possible.

4) Dream that in some small way, there is a higher purpose for all your IFLAFL ing!  Have this mission statement in mind:


REALLY.. Thank you all so much for allowing me the privilege of talking about Adam! I am grateful and humbled beyond imagination.


And for a bit more craziness… here is my blog listed on GOOGLE ALERTS yesterday!  Thanks to @virg1877 for informing me and sending me a copy! 

Google Blogs Alert for: adam lambert

Adam Lambert – Send Oxygen! « Adamquotedaily’s Blog
By adamquotedaily
Ever since the amazing Adam Lambert has come into my life, he has never failed to feed my creativity and give me something artistic to work at. The amazing influence of Adam has finally made me realize that you can follow dreams.
Adamquotedaily’s Blog –

Happy Dance!! Thanks Adam!



Adam Lambert adamlambert Looking forward to a full day here in Finland! Scandinavia is so full of beautiful people! (11AM in Helsinki, 4AM EST)


Adam Lambert adamlambert If I Had You will be hitting radio in the US very soon… you ready? Shooting the video in the next couple of weeks- s’gonna be EPIC! about 4 hours ago via web  (4AM EST)

Thanks to Kelsey_loves_AL  for posting!


suebrody1 Please help get If I Had You more spins! Go to & choose New Pop First station and give it 5 stars.


Monte Pittman Monterrific Happy Birthday, Mom! I love you so much! Have a great day. about 2 hours ago via web (6AM EST)



stckunderwheels Holy fuck, Stockmann is crowded!! Hundreds of people waiting for @adamlambert arrive for autograph signing. 3 hours to go! about 2 hours ago via mobile web (5:30 EST, 12:30PM Helsinki time)









Photos thanks to @stckunderwheels!  

The Finberts Rock!  Way to show your love to our Rock God!! 

AdamIsDaBomb Last ones!

LivingDeathGirl  I just left Stocka. I love the hysteria, people singing and screaming. Tonight the X factor. First time I see @adamlambert live. YAY! 😀

Picture tweeted by Monte and Cam from Xfactor Finland

Tikkari Woah! 🙂 The excitement is growing… RT @Mehkonen: just listening Adams soundcheck behind a door, and praying to get a peak. 3 minutes ago via web I (11AM EST, 6PM Helsinki time)


Article on Adam Lambert in American Idol Magazine (April 2010 issue)

With thanks to @alreference for posting


Live Chat Today 


Mr.. Lambert will show up anytime now. Sorry that it takes some time, but waiting for something good …

Sunday, May 2, 201014:26Moderator
Adam Lambert:

Hi all! Now I’m here!

What do you miss the most about the U.S. When you go overseas?

Sunday, May 2, 201014:28Andy
Adam Lambert:

My friends and my own bed:)

Sunday, May 2, 201014:30Adam Lambert
[Note from NoLimitsNoLimits:] 

What do you think is the reason why you have been so successful – What are you inspired by?

Sunday, May 2, 201014:30NoLimits
Adam Lambert:

I think people like the way I sing and perform at and that I dare to be myself

Sunday, May 2, 201014:31Adam Lambert
[Note from MyDarkSunshineMyDarkSunshine:] 

What’s the best news you’ve Heard lately apart from WWFM going platinum?

Sunday, May 2, 201014:31MyDarkSunshine
Adam Lambert:

hmm … I do not know that song …. make success all over the world:)

Sunday, May 2, 201014:32Adam Lambert
[Comment by ElectraElectra:] 

I know you love astrology. When and how began your interest in astrology? PS It was wonderful to see you live in Bern last month!

Sunday, May 2, 201014:32Electra
Adam Lambert:

A few years ago I became curious about it and started reading more and more:)

Sunday, May 2, 201014:33Adam Lambert
[Comment by LinaLina:] 

What’s the craziest question a journalist ever hock Asked You?

Sunday, May 2, 201014:33Lina
Adam Lambert:

hmm, most peculiar question … a Swedish journalist asked me about how great my va …. but it kind of fun:)

What Has Been your favorite performance of your Whole Career So Far? (Minus the idol)

Sunday, May 2, 201014:34Sophie & Isobel
Adam Lambert:

wow tough question – I did a really good appearance two months ago in Palm Springs, the cruel huh!

Sunday, May 2, 201014:35Adam Lambert
[Note from MeLainiiMeLainii:] 

Hey Adam! I’am a hobby singer myself and maybe You Could give me some advices how I Can Improve Myself?! Because I Love and Adora You and your wonderful, multifarious voice! Luv ya, your Glitter Girl MeLainii

Sunday, May 2, 201014:36MeLainii
Adam Lambert:

Continue to practice, practice, practice! Important also to train people to practice before, the more you make the course safer you become, kareoke is a good way.

Sunday, May 2, 201014:37Adam Lambert
[Comment by LinaLina:] 

Tell us something about you That we do not know!

Sunday, May 2, 201014:37Lina
Adam Lambert:

haha, you know everything:)

Sunday, May 2, 201014:38Adam Lambert
[Note from FatzillaFatzilla:] 

Has a song ever made you cry? IF yes then ‘Which one?

Sunday, May 2, 201014:38Fatzilla
Adam Lambert:

P! Nk – I do not belive you …

Sunday, May 2, 201014:39Adam Lambert
[Comment by AnnieAnnie:] 

Hi there! You quite like Bill Kaulitz of Tokio Hotel. 🙂 Dig your verdict?

Sunday, May 2, 201014:39Annie
Adam Lambert:

Yes, I think they are cool, but I like their style more than their music

Craziest fan experience? Has anybody ran after your van? Haha

Sunday, May 2, 201014:40atemyheart
Adam Lambert:

no, I really have not experienced anything weird … maybe:)

Sunday, May 2, 201014:41Adam Lambert
[Comment by LinaLina:] 

What do you think of Sweden? 🙂

Sunday, May 2, 201014:41Lina
Adam Lambert:

Sweden is cool, I would gladly go there again and spend more time … then it all so beautiful in Sweden

Sunday, May 2, 201014:41Adam Lambert
[Comment by JohannaJohanna:] 

Do you feel limited in that you can not do what you want because of your sexuality? Given that there were big headlines because you kissed a man?

Sunday, May 2, 201014:42Johanna
Adam Lambert:

No, no, I let nothing stop me from being who I am!

Sunday, May 2, 201014:44Adam Lambert
[Comment from GuestGuest:] 

Love your style! What’s your # 1 style tip? 🙂

Sunday, May 2, 201014:44Guest
Adam Lambert:

hmm, hard … but finding a style that you can identify with you!

Sunday, May 2, 201014:46Adam Lambert
[Note from MyDarkSunshineMyDarkSunshine:] 

You said in an interview six That music is can you elaborate on that?

Sunday, May 2, 201014:47MyDarkSunshine
Adam Lambert:

I’m sorry all, but now I have to continue and repeat! Do not forget that my album “For Your Entertainment” is released next week! Hugs

Sunday, May 2, 201014:47Adam Lambert

Okay, then we end the chat. Many thanks to Adam Lambert, and to all readers!
Apologies to our non-Swedish professionals chat, hope you get another chance to chat with Adam in English!


Adam’s Success Around the World


Today’s Story of Adam Lambert’s Inspiration


Dear Adamquotedaily,
Adam has the ability to let us escape to places existing in our dreams. A godlike being with a spellbinding voice. He opens up our senses and makes us feel radiant and happy, which is highly contagious. As his album turns gold… all over, so will peoples hearts. He pushes boundaries and makes us want to listen to Music Again. He’s here, he’s real, he’s Glambert! I belive in him to be the most sparking star the universe has ever seen and his many fascinating qualities much equals the beauty of the rainbow.
By having said how I feel about him and how he affects me and people around me, this is my story…
I have been trying for years to find a way back to the life I had before being in a long and very violent relationship.
Adam has by being who he is given me the strength to open the blinds and dare to look at the world with a smile. I can’t thank him enough for making me fall in love with life all over again, so thank you BB.
Hope you find my story appealing enough to win.
Glittering regards

 Your short but sweet testimonial to the power of Adam gave me chills! Thank you so much for sharing, Kim!


BE SURE TO CHECK BACK LATER FOR UPDATES ALL DAY LONG! Could you please leave a comment and let me know that you did… need some feedback people!


For help in finding things on this site, check out “Adamquotedaily for Dummies”  here!

Twitter followers:    441,300 (+2000) 

Adam Official members:    64,420 (+ 200)

Adam Official website:    

If you are not already a member, please join this site.  It’s important for Adam’s success to have a growing, vibrant official fan site.  There is a great deal of good information there including messages from Adam. If you have had a problem joining or getting a password, send an email to and ask them to look into it or let me know if you still have any trouble. Please email your username to or DM @adamquotedaily (update:  Im in Adamofficial camp… blocked my account so please try to email the mod yourself..hopefully, one of these days I’ll be back on the site… can’t even get the numbers of fans anymore!)

If you have any questions about Adam or are looking for any videos, interviews, etc  feel free to ask me at @adamquotedaily.  I can’t promise answers but I’m willing to try. 

Please rate this post and/or leave a comment.  Thanx

April 30, 2010

Then He Takes BERLIN!!

Filed under: Adam Travels — adamquotedaily @ 8:19 am

Fan Tribute Video for Tonight (cause Friday is a good nite to dream!)

Thanks to DeeDee for recommending this one!

Do We Love him because he is beautiful… or is he beautiful because we love him?

Bill.. these eyes are waiting! Thanks to @LightloveAdam for three pics above!

THE most Beautiful Man, ever!  Thanks to @Noskerdycat!


Tweets from Adam about 4AM EST

Adam Lambert adamlambert  Where is Bill K?! I wanna go shopping! 🙂


Adam Lambert adamlambert Aaanyway- what’s hot in Berlin tonight?? Where should I go?? about 4 hours ago via Echofon

adamlambert Amsterdam: about 1 hour ago via Echofon (7AM EST)

(So, why do these meringues remind me  of Adam?  Adjectives needed! (delicious, perfection, edible, light, happy, sweet, ….more?) 


On Viva Live Germany Today… thanks to GlamRockGodUK!

OMG … performs WWFM in his Beanie.. Band close by. Love it!

You can still watch Adam even if you don’t understand German!  Worth it..LOL!


Rapid Fire Interview

Adam Talks About All of his Songs including the Bonus Tracks


More Pictures Here:


Some New Dates Added (not many!)


Thanks to @Scorpios4Adam!


Adam Lambert Sets Heaven on Fire

“The strong connection between Adam and the audience was evident as he chatted easily and comfortably with them between songs. When he asked how many were Londoners and how many had travelled from elsewhere, he seemed genuinely delighted that the latter question got the bigger cheer. “

See yesterday’s post for full set of fabulous videos from Heaven by @Ki55andTell

Here’s the link:

(Close to bottom of the page)

Interview Right After Heaven Performance



Adam Lambert’s single “Whataya Want From Me” reached platinum status in the U.S. yesterday with sales totaling 1,051,000. The song is charting in the top ten in seven countries and is #1 in Germany. Lambert’s shared the  good news on twitter.” “Great news ladies and g’s: Whataya Want From Me has gone Platinum in the USA! Thank you so much for supporting me! I feel so fu**in lucky!”

Lambert’s album “For Your Entertainment” is gold in the US, New Zealand and Singapore and double platinum in Canada. Lambert is currently in Europe experiencing an enthusiastic reception for the upcoming European release of his album “For Your Entertainment. Most would say that Adam has had a whirlwind of magazine covers, awards and accomplishments since the end of Season 8 of American Idol. Although Adam is not struggling as suggested by American Idol producer Ken Warwick Lambert’s rise to superstardom is complicated because he is breaking all the rules and establishing his international success his way.”


WWFM Single-  German Cover


Comments and Article and Video of Yesterday’s Performance at Studio Five

Fans of the star took to Studio Five’s Facebook page to express their delight with Adam’s appearance. One wrote:

So pleased having Adam Lambert on show saw him at Heaven on Monday he was brilliant. Singing out of this world he owned the stage. Hope he brings Glam Nation tour to UK!

Another added:

OMG how bloody awesome is Adam Lambert!!!!!

While a third gushed



Can’t Let You Go… By the Incredibly Gifted Platinum Recording Artist 

Mr.Adam Lambert

 (This song needs to be listed every day for ever!)


Another version of Stars on Ice Skate to STRUT


“Adam Inspires” Story from @Glambert 1755

(I added the pictures)

                Like so many others, I was captivated by Adam Lambert the moment I saw his Idol audition. Little did I know that this man would later change my life because of his magnificent vocals, intellect, adorable/sexy personality, and positive outlook. 

                I am a widow who lost her beloved husband of 37 years more than three years ago. My life went on with the support of family, friends, and numerous club activities but with a numbness that I thought would never go away.  Adam changed that. He inspired me with his mantra “Look forward. Be positive”.  He has made me feel alive again.  Last August I was able to pack up my late husband’s clothes to donate to charity. Adam had helped me to finally say goodbye after 2 ½ years.  After that I sent Adam the first fan letter of my life to thank him for all the joy and positive changes he had brought to me.

                My life has changed even more since that late August letter.  Adam had already brought me into Twitter, fan sites, and e-mail connection with other fans. However, in September I met three very special younger fans through his AdamOfficial website.  MelCabral, Glambert2191, GlamGirl1139 and I have become close friends in real life.  We celebrate Adam every chance we get, and there have been many! We first met each other face to face the day of the Providence Idol Tour Concert. Adam was definitely the star of that concert, the first I had attended in many years. That was such an exciting night for me.  I had no plan to go to the barricades afterward but the others wanted to and I wasn’t driving, so all 4’-8” of me stood at the very end of the long driveway with the crowd. In addition to most of the other idols, the Universe sent Adam out to greet us that night. I was hoping to get an autograph of my program but when the little boy in front of me asked Adam to sign his shirt, I suddenly decided to ask that too. (Still can’t believe I did that!) Adam was so nice.  I told him that a good place for his name would be across the world globe on the Rock the World Adam shirt I wore because he was going to own the world some day. He thanked me, said that was so sweet, looked into my eyes (his are like laser beams), patted my hands, and moved on. I was totally frozen for a moment and then uncontrollably whispered “You’ve changed my life!” I doubt he heard me but I like to imagine that he did. By the way, I framed the shirt along with show ticket, and his gorgeous photo in his brown jacket/cap.

                And our fangurl adventures have continued.  Glambert2191, GlamGirl1139 and I later traveled together to NYC to see Adam for the CBS Early Show.  We went without sleep for 40 hrs. overall  to join the other crazies freezing in line overnight and on the bleachers for the show.  There we met many of our twitter friends too including two popular young portrait artists.  I never envisioned putting myself through this at my age and having so much fun!

On the bleachers, my two friends held up the glittery Adam sign with snake made by GlamGirl1139 while I sat/bounced next to them holding up his new CD.  After the show, Adam signed autographs for all the fans. From my perch on the bleachers I got to say “Thank you for everything!” as he signed the CD I passed down.  I know he heard me this time.

                When Adam’s first solo concert at Fantasy Springs was announced, I initially cried my heart out because it would be exactly on my birthday but 3,000 miles away.  My Glam friends all have young children so I knew scheduling such a distant trip was near impossible.  The next morning GlamGirl1139 told me they would go if I really wanted to.  Hell yes! I immediately started arrangements. We actually spent only 24 hrs on the ground in California to catch the Glamily Reunion & Concert and almost as much time in the air flying back and forth across the country. My former self would never do something so frivolous and costly for a one-night event but it was one of my greatest birthdays ever!  Experiencing the concert live with Adam’s acoustic Whole Lotta Love and being part of the audience response is a high I get every time I play back the YouTube of that epic performance.  The four of us made many new friends, including another regional Glambert at the airport, Glitterygenie, who was taking the same crazy 24-hr flight schedule as we were and who even shares my birthday!  Must be something about us born on that date, I guess.  She has since joined our group flailing sessions!

 My family and longtime friends no longer tease me about my being an active Glambert.  They see the many positive changes Adam has brought about in me, from more a youthful and upbeat personality, to more makeup and pride in my appearance,  to some weight loss from exercise(more to go), to a more fit lifestyle in general.  Adam makes me wanna listen to Music Again! In fact I walk two to three miles almost daily now to his CD. I have also been listening to the local Top 40 radio stations to keep a bit more current. Some of it is cringe-worthy but at least I recognize what is playing.  I am always excited to hear WWFM played, of course.  Another first – I will be attending the Kiss108 concert at Comcast along with so many other local Adam fans of all ages.  Adam is one of the headliners and biggest draws of this very long multi-artist concert.  I never expected I would be doing that in my lifetime either.  Of course, attending his upcoming concert at MGM Foxwoods in CT is definitely on my wish list too.  The ticket sale date can’t come soon enough!!!           

                Life is for the living and I hope to continue living this happier life enjoying Adam’s music, his fans, and his active connection to us for many years to come.

GlammyDi  (aka Glambert1755)





For help in finding things on this site, check out “Adamquotedaily for Dummies”  here!

Twitter followers:    438,450  (+1200) 

Adam Official members:    63,980 (+ 340) Is this really happening?  Usually its +100!!

Adam Official website:    

If you are not already a member, please join this site.  It’s important for Adam’s success to have a growing, vibrant official fan site.  There is a great deal of good information there including messages from Adam. If you have had a problem joining or getting a password, send an email to and ask them to look into it or let me know if you still have any trouble. Please email your username to or DM @adamquotedaily (update:  Im in Adamofficial camp… blocked my account so please try to email the mod yourself..hopefully, one of these days I’ll be back on the site… can’t even get the numbers of fans anymore!)

If you have any questions about Adam or are looking for any videos, interviews, etc  feel free to ask me at @adamquotedaily.  I can’t promise answers but I’m willing to try. 

Please rate this post and/or leave a comment.  Thanx

April 29, 2010


Filed under: Adam Travels — adamquotedaily @ 6:04 am

Fan Video of the Eve

Adam Lambert… I love you any way you choose to present yourself… Seriously need some exposed flesh  soon though… Thanks so much!


Adam and the Band Arrive in Berlin





Adam looks amazing as usual.  Love the expression when he’s pushing his luggage. Too cute 









Pictures via with thanks to @infl001

Adam is gorgeous above and look at these…. OMG! from the Beautiful People Shoot



Adam Lambert performs For Your Entertainment on Studio FIve. Aired 29th April 2010








A message from @IllyriaGlambert… she was the winner of the contest last week for the signed album insert!!

If you did not read her inspirational story last week, I’ve included it at the bottom of this post today!


Updated Schedule:



 ( in the US… hey, double platinum in Canada! )

Adam Lambert‘s debut album may not be Certified Platinum just yet in the United States, but the “American Idol” runner-up can celebrate the fact that one of his singles has sold over a million copies. According to the newest numbers courtesy of USA Today, “Whataya Want From Me” sold 86,000 digital copies in the past week — putting it a grand total of 1,051,000.”


German Breakfast TV April 29/10

Introduction Part 1

It helps if you understand German but you can hear Adam under the translator 

Part 2

Performance of Acoustic WWFM

OMG… the closeups!!

Like this one thanks to @ItsJoooory

Download of performance thanks to @mmyy9


Another Adorable Adam Interview ( no surprise!) from the Netherlands

Thanks to @_daphne for providing this one… She may translate parts to be added here later! Like what was the question when Adam answered that it was a spiritual and sexual experience (Burning Man?)


New Picture of the Band thanks to @jadeoptimist



Really quick mention of Adam in Most Beautiful People on ET


Article from Teentoday introducing Adam Lambert

“Adam is no one trick pony – aside from his pretty awesome vocal talent, he can also write songs too, co-writing six* of the tracks on the album, which is not to be sniffed at. The album itself is very poppy, and is kind of the older brother to Britney Spears’ Blackout. Which, as everyone knows, is Britney’s best moment. Standout tracks to listen to, if you’ve not got much time: Fever (the Lady GaGa song), Soaked (the Matt Bellamy song) and If I Had You (Max Martin, Shellback, Savan Kotecha). There is also the aforementioned song For Your Entertainment – which is out now. It is the same one that got half of middle America baying for his blood, for anyone taking notes. The fact it’s a good song seems to have skipped their consciousness entirely.”



greg_wells  Thanks for the nice words re: “Can’t Let You Go”. Adam was literally on his knees singing this vocal in the studio, killing it as usual.

Can’t Let You Go… By the Incredibly Gifted Platinum Recording Artist 

Mr.Adam Lambert


Cologne… thanks to @UhHuhHerMusic!  Thanks Cam!



Here’s a link to the bio I did for him and he promotes!!!


Miss Mix… Swedish Magazine Interview Translation (thanks to @Lambertlights)

May 2010
Miss Mix

Miss Mix met Adam Lambert, 29, in Stockholm and lead him to ultimate questions. Mellow singer is waiting to get visit in Finland.

About the career:

What is the most personal song on your album?
– Broken Open. It’s about intimacy, that moment when someone is ready to release the wall around them and show himself to other, show good and bad side of him. The other says it’s okay, I accept you just the way you are.

Did you find writing process of the song hard for you?
– No, it felt good. It was like therapy.

There’s a song called Voodoo on the new version of your album. Who would you like to make a voodoo doll and why?
– Bill Kaulitz from Tokio Hotel! He’s so cute, so beautiful.

Wait, are you jealous of him, why are you thinking of making a doll?
– No, the opposite. He attracts me, he’s so appealing. I would like to meet him. I would like to go shopping with him!

You just came here from Germany. Why didn’t your meeting take place then?
– He’s busy. And straight. That’s why the doll, hehe!

Has anyone of your friends started to act differently after you became famous?
– A few of my friends were scared I would draw myself away from them. I had to convince them that wouldn’t happen and I still love them even though I am busy. Some of buddies – not my friends – wanted suddenly be so close with me. Didn’t work out!

About love:

Who was your first love?
– My ex boyfriend, we started dating when I was 25 years old. It was awesome and beautiful. We were together for two years.

Why did you break up?
– I guess we just grew apart. In the end we wanted different things. I learnt and grew up so much during our relationship. We’re still friends and I think that’s great.

How did you manage to accept your sexuality when you were young?
– It was hard during my teen years. I had no one to look up to. I didn’t know anyone else that was gay, not a single one person. Internet did exist but there was no Facebook or MySpace yet. There were some chats but I was afraid of them like pestilence, I was afraid of losing my anonymity and someone would find out. I felt myself like an alien, totally different from the others. I knew that things will work out when it’s time but at school I couldn’t talk about it to anyone.

When and how did you tell your parents?
– My mom dragged me out of closet! She asked me once if I had a girlfriend. I said no. “Would you like to get one?” “No.” “Well do you have a boyfriend?” “No.” “Would you like to have?” “Yeah!”

Well that was easy.
– While discussing about it my mom told me she always had known I was gay. I wondered why didn’t she tell me sooner. She had talked about it with some people and they had convinced her she shouldn’t push me. They said I would tell her when I was ready. I said her you should have pushed!

What kind of advice would you give to our readers that are wondering their sexual orientation?
– It’s hard to be different. If you feel like lonely believe there are a lot of people like you in the world. Some day you will get to know them and you will accepted. Try to think positive. If people think of you negative don’t care about them. Their opinion doesn’t matter.

What kind of person are you in your relationships?
– I am independent. I’ve always succeeded on my own. Sort of, that was the reason I was lonely for a long time. If I’m not interested in someone I become very unaffiliated. It’s been scary to notice how quick I might become codependent of my boyfriend. I have to work on finding balance between my traits.

Are you jealous?
– I always thought I wouldn’t. I am quite realistic and good to discuss about every subject but in the end… yeah, I’m damn jealous. Possessive and jealous.

How do you act when you go to jealous mode?
– I try to get out of it. Discussing about it with the other person usually helps. I’ve learnt a lot of myself and understood I am intensively passionate personality. Apparently there’s too much to handle sometimes but that’s who I am. And some people like intensive!

Are you seeing someone right now?
– No. I’m single.

Do you believe in love at first sight?
– I believe in strong mutual attraction and intuition at first sight, and one might foresee someone being special. For falling in love I however have to get to know with the person better.

About me:

Describe yourself with three words.
– Intensive. Friendly. Talkative.

Which word would your friends add to that?
– A bit of crazy. (laughs)

Which appearance related things were you insecure while being a teen?
– Where should I start from? I worried about my weight, body, skin – that is a problem still – and my masculinity. It’s needed differently in America than in Europe. I love European culture with masculine sense of beauty are different. Over here masculine beauty and cuteness is appreciated.

How did you get away from your insecurity?
– One by one I understood they don’t matter. I started to notice good characters about myself and love myself from inside. I believe when someone is on first-name basis with themselves they look attractive in eyes of the others. Not everyone can look like a model. The most important is accepting yourself and understand there are more important things in the world than what do you look like. It’s useless try to be perfect because no one is.

When and why did you cry the last time?
I regress to a baby while watching the movies and tv series. When I watched the 4th season “Skins” a while ago I started to bawl whena girl couple Naomi and Emily had an intimate moment. Actors in Skins are so great!

About people:

Which nicknames do your close ones call you?
– Family and friends don’t nickname me but my fans call me Glambert. I think that fits to me!

Who is the most important person in your life?
– (thinking) Probably my parents. My family… my mom.

When do you come to meet your fans in Finland? You’re way more popular in here than in Sweden!
– That’s what I heard! You’ve got good taste. Hopefully I can visit soon!

After the interview it’s been confirmed Adam performs in X Factor Finland on 2nd May.

Adam in short analysis

We gave a word, Adam replied the first word bumped to his mind.

Scary – Sadness
Joy – Singing
Envy – Luck
Inspiration – Glitter
Nature – Green
Happiness – Satisfaction
Beauty – Confidence


Adommy Lovers with thanks to Glambug72!

mizlexi Adommy hug. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 Make me most happy. Dudes you should’ve saw the way Tommy’s eyes lit up when he talked about Adam. So presh!


Adorable Adam Bliss Interview From Yesterday

“When met up with Adam Lambert we already had a bit of a crush but left being totally in love. Why? Something to do with him being funny, gorge and totally up for making fart noises. Don’t believe us? Check out our interview with him below and prepare to fall in love with The Glambert…”

“I don’t claim to be good at very many things, but kissing, I am good at that!” -Adam Lambert


(Scene from Wicked)


Heaven Complete Fabulous Video Set from Ki55andtell

For Your Entertainment

Music Again


Whatya Want From Me





@IllyriaGlambert’s Story… send her some love!

“Adam Lambert saved my life. Literally. It’s difficult to explain, because unless you’ve been there yourself, you can never understand the darkness that he’s awakened me from. It’s not something I’m particularly proud to admit but I have suffered from serious depression ever since my teens. I self harm to get through my toughest times and live surrounded in shame and regret.

Countless times I’ve had a blade against my skin, ready to ease the pain away with blood and adrenaline and Adam has stopped me. Of course never in person, but with his words, his beauty and that voice from heaven. The words of his songs touch me in a way I never thought was possible any more. I tried to explain it in a tweet earlier today, where I liked much of my life to living in complete darkness. Sure I have some flickers of hope and light, but it’s the equivalent of holding a tiny tea light in pitch black and watching as it flutters about hopelessly trying to combat the blackness. But when I finally opened my heart to Adam, he filled my life with so much love, sparkle and light that I have been awakened! It’s almost like finding God for the first time and being reborn!

When I first became aware of Adam Lambert, it was through a friend who was hopelessly obsessed with him. She talked about him a lot and posted photos etc. online but having found out he was on American Idol, I judged him and closed myself off to him. Naturally I was attracted to his intense beauty and oozing sexuality but I’m not your typical Idol girl. My music tastes run more to the extreme goth/emo side of the spectrum. So I discounted him and continued on with my life. But my friend couldn’t stop talking about him! Her passion was so severe that I started to get curious, I began asking questions and looking around a little to see what all the fuss was about. Eventually I came across the infamous AMA video. Whoowhee! I was immediately hooked! I’ll admit Adam’s vocal performance wasn’t at its strongest, but the dance routine was fantastic!  And I was impressed with the way he covered up his trip on the stairs, always the mark of a true professional.  And then there was “The Kiss”. Sorry haters, but that was hot hot hot! I deeply respect Adam for having the courage to get up there and do what he did, whether spontaneous or not. He brought to light an issue that shouldn’t even need discussing. And I won’t go into it here, but I will say that if a female or straight male had done that performance, no one would have batted an eyelid. After watching the performance I began

 falling hard and fast for this man. I got his album and was pleasantly surprised at how different his music was compared to what I had assumed. And the more I listened the more it touched me in the deepest ways.

I love all of Adam’s songs for many different reasons, but one song in particular has the lyrics that hold a lot of weight for me. Soaked. It holds so much for me that I hope to get my favorite lyric tattooed along my arm, the site of most of my self-harm.

“Your soul will be okay”

Could there ever be a prettier line sung by this angel? To me it speaks volumes and reminds me that no matter what I do to myself, no matter how much I have to go through in life, good or bad, that my soul will be okay, it will remain intact and I can give it to Adam and allow him to take me soaring ever higher.

More recently I opened myself again to listen to Adam’s idol tracks, something I had been putting off again because of my normal musical tastes. Of course I was floored and had to chastise myself for ever holding off on this. And once more I found another track that would hold my heart, so much so that I can’t listen to it without crying my eyes out. No Boundaries. I’ve given up a lot of my dreams to be where I am today, a lot of them I regret but won’t get into here. But the song reminds me and gives me hope that there’s someone ready to save me no matter how close to the edge I get. For me that savior is Adam Lambert. When I’m down and out and ready to call it quits, I can blast his music and rock out, dance around or just sing my heart out until the tears are rolling down my cheeks and know that it will all be okay.

Through Adam’s magic I’ve also become friends with some of the most amazing supportive people ever The Glamily is a powerful thing and I’m proud to say I’m part of it, forever a member of the Glam Nation. I can’t wait until the day I get to meet some of you on tour this summer! It’s so amazing that he has been embraced worldwide, and I know that on the days when it’s just too much for me, I can always find a member of the Glamily who is willing to talk it out with me, or just find someone to have a giggle with.

So that’s my story. It’s probably not very well written or planned out, I pretty much just typed as it came to mind and I know I will have missed a number of reasons why Adam Lambert is so special and inspirational to me. I imagine it’s not even that moving from the other side of the monitor but the simple fact is, Adam Lambert has changed my life, he’s moved me to feel things in my heart, soul and body I never thought would ever be awake again.

 Adam Lambert has saved my life countless times over and even if I meet him, he’ll never know how much he means to me. Thank you Adam Lambert. Never stop being you.”





Twitter followers:    437,200 (+1200) 

Adam Official members:    63,640 (+ 680) Is this really happening?  Usually its +100!!

Adam Official website:    

If you are not already a member, please join this site.  It’s important for Adam’s success to have a growing, vibrant official fan site.  There is a great deal of good information there including messages from Adam. If you have had a problem joining or getting a password, send an email to and ask them to look into it or let me know if you still have any trouble. Please email your username to or DM @adamquotedaily (update:  Im in Adamofficial camp… blocked my account so please try to email the mod yourself..hopefully, one of these days I’ll be back on the site… can’t even get the numbers of fans anymore!)

If you have any questions about Adam or are looking for any videos, interviews, etc  feel free to ask me at @adamquotedaily.  I can’t promise answers but I’m willing to try. 

Please rate this post and/or leave a comment.  Thanx

April 24, 2010

Saturday in the UK- “G-A-Y Performance” Tonight!!

Filed under: Adam Travels — adamquotedaily @ 8:08 am

Self- portrait  Adamquotedaily?

(except for blonde hair and green eyes and a few other things too!)


(Thanks to @Glamulli for this amazing picture!)

This picture is how one of my good internet friends pictures me!   Fierce with Adam fire coming out of my fingertips!!!

I love it!  Thank you so much to @finewinebaby!


This is the voice of Adam Lambert!



Allison on Touring with Adam


This One is Fun



  “If I were a politician: one nation under glam with glitter and loveliness for all.”
Adam Lambert
Adam Around the World Today

islasands  And he’s #1 on Itunes Finland! YAY!

WWFM #1 Australia #2 in Birmingham

Whataya Want From Me is #11 on United World Chart (official global hit list)!!!!

eri9 @adamlambert: WWMF Idol perf on New Zealand TV 2nite – having an effect: WWFM #2 and FYE album #10 itunes pop chart <1 1/2 hrs later! 🙂

IamStarky @adamlambert ‘s WWFM is #6 in Europe Plus in Russia (#11 last week) @RU_UA_Glamberts @toy_dragonfly

hooplamagnet MuzTV Music Video Countdown (RUSSIA): WWFM is #2 (go to 0:55):


Adam’s Schedule… Updated!

Tonight, 1:30 AM UK time…. Gay Performance of six songs!! Who’s taping???


So Many New Interviews- All Good!

Entertainment Focus Interview

Entertainment Wise

Interview on Juice FM

Mercia Radio

Eagle 96.4


@LambertNO with Adam in his AMA Jacket


“Season 8s runner-up, Adam Lambert, made it to the top of the charts for his first time. Just after mentoring and performing on Season 9 of American Idol, Adams hit single, Whataya Want From Me, brought him to #1 on the Billboard Hot Singles Sales and Hot Dance Singles Sales charts. He becomes one of only 27 finalists (William Hung makes 28) to reach number one on the charts.”

Madonna and Adam- Open and Ready!- Fan Tribute video

(It’s getting hot in here!!)


‘Idol’s’ biggest charmers

” Adam Lambert: If there were an award for the most media-

savvy Idol, Adam would win it in a heartbeat. From the first moment we met the tall, dark and handsome San Diegan, and had to immediately ask about pictures that had surfaced of him making out with another guy, it was instantly apparent that this guy could turn even the most uncomfortable Q&A into a lighthearted friend-like conversation. Ditto for his smiley spin after the American Music Awards. No matter what the situation, by the end, you walk away thinking he’s the nicest guy on the planet. Now that’s the power of charm. And since he ended his Season 8 run, Adam continues to give: to his fans, who he’s constantly greeting, posing with and signing for; to the media, which continue to obsess over his every movie, endlessly wondering, what will he do next?  “


Adam in Psychology Today- Who has the whole article?  Send it to me please!

March/April 2010


Anatomy of an Idol (Dismantling Adam Lambert)


Trent FM


Adam and Mombert this summer… more oldies but goodies here:


Look at Who’s on Adam’s Page!

CRAWL THROUGH FIRE-mentioned on the live chat yesterday!
(This is the song that blew my mind once i googled Adam Lambert after Satisfaction performance! LOVE IT!)
Written by Adam Lambert and Monte Pittman
Short Inspirational Story

I have watched American Idol in the past, but never all the way through until season 8. Adam Lambert was the reason.  

I do not talk about this often, but here goes; last year I was battling a potentially life threatening blood disorder. Adam Lambert’s performances on American Idol gave me something to look forward to through 4.5 months of treatment. He was stunningly courageous, which in turn gave me strength to be the same and fight that which was trying to absorb my strength and ultimately my life. To that end, I am in remission and Adam Lambert will own a piece of my heart forever.

I love you Adam. Thank you.


Twitter followers:   430,800 (+1400) 

Adam Official members:  60,840 (+380)

Adam Official website:    

If you are not already a member, please join this site.  It’s important for Adam’s success to have a growing, vibrant official fan site.  There is a great deal of good information there including messages from Adam. If you have had a problem joining or getting a password, send an email to and ask them to look into it or let me know if you still have any trouble. Please email your username to or DM @adamquotedaily (update:  Im in Adamofficial camp… blocked my account so please try to email the mod yourself..hopefully, one of these days I’ll be back on the site… can’t even get the numbers of fans anymore!)

If you have any questions about Adam or are looking for any videos, interviews, etc  feel free to ask me at @adamquotedaily.  I can’t promise answers but I’m willing to try. 

Please rate this post and/or leave a comment.  Thanx!

April 23, 2010

All’s Good for Adam in the UK!

Filed under: Adam Travels,Great Information — adamquotedaily @ 8:38 am

My Mission:  To

╦╦─╔─╔╗─╦───╔╦╗─╦╦─╔──╦─╦─╔╗─╔╗─╦──╖╗─ ╠╣─╠─╠╣─║────║──╠╣─╠──║║║─║║─║╣─║──║║─   ╩╩─╚─╩╩─╚═───╩──╩╩─╚──╚╩╝─╚╝─╩╚─╚═─╚╝─ ,

one person at a time by spreading the awesomeness of Adam Lambert!

Glaad Recording of Music Again

Glaad Recording of Fever




I’m not beyond begging friends!  You understand!  Yesterday, when I read that Adam will be playing at the Molson Amphitheatre in Toronto, all decorum went out the window forever!!

This is the same venue where Shopper’s Drug Mart was giving discounts last summer to see Katy Perry.  Tickets were $16!  I wanted to see her cause she was Adam’s friend but could not find anyone to go to the concert with me!  Of course, things have changed and I have lots of people willing to accompany me to the Adam Lambert concert and I’d happily go by myself if I didn’t.

So, I got in trouble with my daughter since she saw a concert at the venue last summer and her friend’s father got front row seats.  Call him for me and find out who he knows!! The answer was he paid big money… but come on honey, for your Mom… make a call and see!  NO, Mom… you are embarrassing me!

Another of daughter’s friends comes over.  Her boyfriend’s brother goes to all the concerts at Molson’s.  Can you call him and find out if he can get tickets?  She is sweet and sends a text message but he’s not home tonite.  If she can get me 6 decent tickets, I will take her and my daughter and buy them glittery outfits,…..  I’m desparate!

@esselesari with Thanks! (click on pic to enlarge)

I know many of you are with me on this… obviously.  But really, if anyone can help… Glamily, relatives, friends, Adam, band, management…. I’m begging!  Any suggestions, connections, front row seats, meet and greet passes, interviews… LOL… let me know! I will have your picture forever at the top of my blog or help you out however I can!

(I’m willing to drive to any venue I can get some good tickets at so let me know!)

I feel a new contest brewing!  Person who can get me the best seats to the Molson amphitheatre for Adam’s performance ( or any other venue)  will have their picture at the top of my blog, a complete interview about them and whatever else I can think of!  Call your contacts and include ME!  Sorry to be so selfish on this one but if you don’t ask, you won’t receive!! 

And now, back to regular level flailing and Adam! Thank you so much for listening and for understanding, hopefully!

Locations of Concerts So Far!

Thanks to @Illyriaglambert!


Live Chat Recorded…. Epic

I FELL ON NATIONAL TV!!!  (most embarrassing moment)

Thanks to  @orchidas for the screencap


ElectroQueer Interview With Adam Lambert – “I’m a singer – I’m not a babysitter, I’m not a politician and I’m not here to try and show anybody how to do anything”

” I have to ask you this – are you comfortable with being a gay role model for kids? Or do you feel it’s something that’s forced upon you because of your Idol success?
That’s a great question – it’s been an interesting road to navigate and I’m still trying to figure it out.  On one hand I’m like “ok I’m a singer – I’m not a babysitter, I’m not a politician and I’m not here to try and show anybody how to do anything”.  I’m just entertaining people – that’s what I do – I’m here to sing.  I didn’t sign up to be a role model.  Sometimes when that’s projected onto me I get frustrated. I’m like “don’t do what I do, do what you do!”  That’s what I want to promote – I’m not here to set an example for you to follow, but more so I’m saying “be who you want to be – be free in your own skin, be liberated and feel beautiful and do what you want to do without judgment” – like I do. That’s the one part of it that I do enjoy, being visible and being proud of who I am is setting the example.  But it’s hard because I’m not here to raise anybody’s children for them. [laughs]”


The Fans are excited today Adam!

adamlambert  Top of the morning to ya London! (tweeted at about 6AM London time)

Monterrific  Just landed safely in London (2PM London time with Tommy and Longineu!)

rezanakaasle dear mr @adamlambert singer, musical artist extraordinaire, actor, sweet, humble, ordinary human being, captivating original gentleman, omfg

Bern3755 Run out of Chocolate & need a fix? Adam Lambert, our dark prince is sweet, velvety and to die for.

lharrington4 @adamlambert Good nite sweet prince! Feel the love we are sending your way! You are truly loved!!! Don’t breathe in volcanic ash! xxxooo


Adam’s Day Today!

World Clock

Check your time difference with Adam in London!  All times will be posted are London time today to minimize confusion!  It is now 1:15PM in London and 8:15AM EST and 5:15 AM PST for some reference points!


Thanks to @Netmeg99


Commercial from Germany in an Elevator with Adam Lambert!


Vanity Fair Italy Interview…Translation (thanks to smackmydishup)

“Why women keep on throwing you bras on stage even if they know that you’re not available on the sexual side?
“Women throwing bras on stage are 30, 40 and some even 50 years-old. Maybe it’s because it reminds them of the rock stars they used to listen/see when they were younger. I’m glad they do it because it means that the record companies are wrong. What I do in my private life has nothing to do with what I do on stage. As a singer/artist, I create fantasies. Illusion it’s the most important thing on stage and women, obviously, are smart enough to understand it and have fun”.


Please watch WWFM video at this link… Adam is #1 and we need to keep him there to win a MMVA award.  To be presented June 20/10 in Toronto and hopefully Adam will attend!

(Love this Oprah pic.. with thanks to @Lalalambrit)


Sky Interview with Adam from Australia


Rockstar Weekly Reveiw of Vancouver Shows by @feetchick

“It’s been nearly two weeks since Glamstock soared out of Vancouver on glittery wings, and if any perspective has been gained in this time, it’s of why groupies make unlikely journalists. Partying at all hours like a rock star wannabe is divine in the moment, but the resultant beating to body, brain and senses requires the soothing balm of time – and sleep – to regain a modicum of normal functionality. Thoughtful reflection was also required to describe the rock’n’roll extravaganza which provided the city with a bit of brightening up since the frenzied excitement of the 2010 Olympics and Paralympics has drained away. In the aftermath, it is clear that the synaptic overload of genuine musical talent brought about a spirited feeling of connectivity and joy.”



 Adam Lambert’s got legs, and other lessons learned this week on Billboard’s Hot 100


This picture is one I  haven’t seen before from Japanese Rolling Stone!


 Check back regularly for updates all day long!! Lots going on!  And don’t forget the contest for getting me tickets!!


Short But Sweet Inspirational Story

 Well,  Adam always says that he wants people to feel comfortable with who they are, and he really helped me with that.  Before I met him, I wasn’t very happy in my own skin, and I was always trying to change something in me.  I was a little shy, I didn’t wear much make up (Now I can’t live without my eyeliner, eyeshadow, etc. LOL), and I was a little depressive. 

 Now I wake up happy every day, I’ve lots of friends and, as I said, I can’t live without make up.  My self-esteem was low, Adam helped me feel happy with who I am, and I’m thankful to him. 

 And he totally changed my way to see people.  As he said, “No matter how old you are, no matter who you sleep with, no matter what color is your skin, we can all party together”.  I used to care about those things but now I don’t!

Thanks Adam! ❤


Twitter followers:   429,400 (+1200) 

Adam Official members:  60,480 (+260)

Adam Official website:    

If you are not already a member, please join this site.  It’s important for Adam’s success to have a growing, vibrant official fan site.  There is a great deal of good information there including messages from Adam. If you have had a problem joining or getting a password, send an email to and ask them to look into it or let me know if you still have any trouble. Please email your username to or DM @adamquotedaily (update:  Im in Adamofficial camp… blocked my account so please try to email the mod yourself..hopefully, one of these days I’ll be back on the site… can’t even get the numbers of fans anymore!)

If you have any questions about Adam or are looking for any videos, interviews, etc  feel free to ask me at @adamquotedaily.  I can’t promise answers but I’m willing to try. 

Please rate this post and/or leave a comment.  Thanx!

April 8, 2010

Welcome to Vancouver with Love!

Filed under: Adam Travels — adamquotedaily @ 6:51 am


Canada is greeting you with a #1 hit!  WWFM has been #1 on the charts since March 7!!  WTG Adam and Canadians!!





There will be a live Cellcast tomorrow night and possibly one tonight.  Stay tuned for more information!

Adam and Tommy Arrive in Vancouver Last Night



Top three pics courtesy of @rntmom…Thanks!

And one from @rntmom of Glitterbaby

and one more of Adam arriving!

More Pics from Hollywood yesterday and Vancouver last night


New Interview from Manchester Key 103 (lots of Adam laughing)

New video of FYE from Japan- HQ with Glitter and Spikes


Adam Lambert Lives up to Great Expectations

Good Article from the Vancouver Sun!  He continually meets mine!



Great Video of Adam’s Mentors with Commentary


Rolling Stone Japan… out next week! OMG.. I want one!!!

           Shout Magazine – UK

         (Click on pic to enlarge) Scan of article with thanks to @Lamberlust

         InRock Magazine, Japan

      8 pages and poster of Adam inside!

               (Click on pic to enlarge) 










Great suggestion from @netmeg99 -Watch this!


Adam’s Journey… 2 hours of fun!  (Takes a while to download)  2 hours of Adam


How is our worldwide domination plan progressing? Very well!  Here is info from yesterday and today.  You can keep track of this  at Adamofficial through this link:

 Thanks to Cookiebr8 for updating this daily!

4/07 News of the Day

1. AO moderator RMGED has informed us of Adam’s sales worldwide. Here is his comment:

“FYE is closing in on 200,000 copies sold outside the U.S., for a global total approaching the $750k range. Keep in mind that the album hasn’t even been officially released yet in several countries, and was given a soft release in the UK and Europe, so sales will spike once their official edition comes out May 3rd.

As for awards, the album has been certified gold in the U.S., Singapore and New Zealand; platinum in Canada.”

That is great news! Thanks RMGed!

2. WWFM and FYE have BOTH gone GOLD in New Zealand! Thanks Eri9 tor the updates. Can Platinum be far behind?

3. Fye Album has moved up 6 spots on the Billboard 200…from 71 last week, to 65! Good News! This was last week’s chart position, but I just noticed this positive news. Will Post sales figures and new chart position for the week when I find them.

4. UK fans reporting that FYE is NUMBER ONE on the Gaydar Radio Your request chart! The website doesnt show the actual chart, but here is the link to the station:
Thank you to UK fans who are requesting Adam and keeping him in the public eye! This is wonderful, considering that the song has yet to be released. I also remember that the DJ from Hallam FM told Adam that he had been getting requests also to play Adam’s music, something that was highly unusual.

5. Great news for album and single sales: There was a 10 percent increase in CD sales and a 3% increase in single sales. WWFM is within reach of platinum. Keep requesting!
1. United World Chart: Adam’s WWFM moved up from 23 to 21! Sales figure given for the song: 104,000. This would include sales in the USA.
2. Adam #3 on Japan’s Hot 100 Billboard chart!
3. Russian Radio Station: Adam up to #16 from #35 previous week!
4. Japanese radio station: FYE #5:
5. Euro 200 chart: WWFM #8
6. Dutch radio music chart: WWFM #13
7. Mexican Station WWFM #9
8. Another Russian station: WWFM #4

Thanks to @Mirella for the following information as to how WWFM is doing in various countries: These are overall COUNTRY CHARTS. Here is the link:

14 Denmark
#16 Australia
#16 Canada
#8 Finland (also #17 FYE)
#13 Netherlands
#6 New Zealand (also #40 FYE)
#14 Sweden

There seems to be quite a few radio stations playing Adam in Russia! I’ll be back later with more chart news …this is just a little picture of around the world


Twitter followers: 403,700  (+1400) Another great day on twitter!

Adam Official Members:  57,310 (+130) 

Adam Official website:    

If you are not already a member, please join this site.  It’s important for Adam’s success to have a growing, vibrant official fan site.  There is a great deal of good information there including messages from Adam. If you have had a problem joining or getting a password, send an email to and ask them to look into it or let me know if you still have any trouble. Please email your username to or DM @adamquotedaily 

If you have any questions about Adam or are looking for any videos, interviews, etc  feel free to ask me at @adamquotedaily.  I can’t promise answers but I’m willing to try. 

Please rate this post and/or leave a comment.  Thanx!

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