AdamBertDaily Blog

May 11, 2010

Calm Before the Adam Storm!

May 7, 2010

Hollywood’s Happy!

Watch Johnaton Ross Interview here


or here

and this is hysterical!


Healing the world, one person at a time by spreading the awesomeness of Adam Lambert!

 adamlambert No matter your sexuality, religion, color, or age, if we connect over how we’re the same, “life would be a party- it’d be ecstacy! “



New contest for those creative types here… Lots, I know! I’m figuring I should turn to those of you who are talented in this area and I will stick with compiling Adam Info! 

I would like a header or banner which includes my mission statement (at the top of today’s page) to post at the top of my daily blog. 

So, what can you come up with?  The winner’s name and masterpiece will displayed daily and I will also send you a personal gift..a surprise! You’ll like it…promise!

Send any entries to me   I will choose the winner next Friday, May 14 at 9:00 AM. 

All entries will be displayed if requested!


AneCan 2010 June Issue (Japanese woman’s fashion magazine)

Thanks to @_bani for posting!


OMG>>>Look at this about IIHY MUSIC VIDEO…. EXCITED!  IFLAFLing!!

This was posted at MJs:

Director: Bryan Barber
Date: May 12, 2010, est. 6:00 pm
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Video Overview: This music video is set in a dark but beautiful forest, where we experience a surreal light show, similar to the Northern Lights of Norway. We are here for an artistic gathering of all types of people, to socialize, dance and party while taking in this display of beauty and mystery.

Ages 18-27, male or female, any race, nationality or sexual orientation. The cast should run the gamut of diversity. All extras will be in background shots dancing or “hanging out.” Nothing matters except having a great time with each other. We are looking for creative, artistic, eccentric types with their own personal style. Your wardrobe for the video should be the ultimate form of artistic expression. An example of a “Type” would be The Burning Man festival. Actor must provide his or her own wardrobe on the shoot. Therefore, if called in for an audition, you must wear your outfit to the session, that you would wear to the video shoot.


New Dutch Radio Interview 


Adam is Bigger than the Muffin Man

Cute interview from Finland!



Jonathan Ross welcomes Jake Gyllenhaal to his Friday night show

Just watched the last half of it on livestream… Im sure it will be up soon!  Adam is gorgeous… you know that!


“American Idol’s Adam Lambert says he remains defiant about controversial US TV kiss: “I felt it was really important not to make an apology, I stood my ground,” and says how he wasn’t fazed by Simon Cowell: “I respect his honesty, I like that. I didn’t take it personally.”

Finally, he tells Jonathan how he weighed 18 stone when younger and didn’t get slim until he came out: “I was a porker, eating my feelings… I changed my habits, finally embraced who I was and felt better.”


“Theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn finally, FINALLY, Jonathan introduced Adam and we went crazy for him! I have a feeling I’m going to hear myself “whoop”ing and screaming throughout the show which will probably be very embarrassing. I’m not going to spoil the interview for people who want to wait until Friday, but I will say he came across so funny and lovely, and I’m sure he’ll gain even more fans after the show airs. Jonathan seemed to love him and I’m really excited now to see what parts they kept in/cut out as the recording lasted over 2 hours for a 1 hour show. He looked absolutely beautiful as always and he was wearing some sexy leopard print boots. I must own a pair NOW! :D”……

If you can eat this onion faster than Jake I’ll go and get Adam to sign my copy of his album for you.” I kind of exploded with happiness/excitement then.

So Jonathan put the onions in our mouths and I’d never had a pickled onion before so what a way to have my first one haha!!!! He said go, and Jake was holding my arm and I was gagging – it really was disgusting – and Jake hugged me so tight that I couldn’t chew while trying to keep all the juice from going over his suit and I was trying to push him away! Jake was really lovely and talking to me and all I could hear was @charlottewillis screaming from the audience and it went really fast! Jonathan grabbed my shoulder and told me to spit mine out, which I did, onto his desk J, and declared me the winner. Jake hugged and kissed me again and said “well done Georgia” with a huge gorgeous smileand we had a mini chat, and Jonathan said “it was lovely to meet you darling” and got a big oniony kiss from me, and said to wait in the green room for someone to give me the album.

We went back – me absolutely stinking of onion and feeling really sick – and some really gorgeous runner bloke gave me the CD! Adam wrote on the inside cover “work that onion Georgia! Adam Lambert” and I screamed and was just insanely happy even though I felt like I was going to throw up and nearly did on the train home to Essex.” 


I Signed this Petition for Live GlamNation tour coverage… What’s to Lose?

 Sign here:


Adam at the Roxy Last Night

adamlambert@simoncurtis great job tonight!!! about 7 hours ago via Echofon (11PM PST)


Simon Curtis Last Night (Adam was there!)


simoncurtis: @adamlambert I am so so so honored and glad you came. Your kind words mean more than you know 🙂 truly. Love you!!! 


Adam Around the World


SoundTrend Today’s iTunes HOT100 singles biggest climber to #51: For Your Entertainment – Adam Lambert


OhWal: WWFM the 2nd most watched video in Spain!has moved from 3rd to 2nd place!NOW! without promo! YAY!

Canada asks for Help

beshakinski Glamberts go and leave a message. Help!!!

Hooplamagnet Reminder for Canadian fans: Please watch WWFM on Much Music! It’s in the running for a MMA


Vote for WWFM video at VH1..aiming for Hall of FAME!

and look at this

Tropicgrl42 Adam Lambert – Whataya Want From Me #1 so far for 2010 Best Video……so cool 22 minutes ago

(can someone put this vid on youtube and send to me! Cant view in Canada and elsewhere Im sure!)

Vote IIHY for Sophies Challenge


 No Watermarks!  Thanks to @lamberlights… what about the other blue ones?


And a Few More New to me of Tommy Joe Ratliff  Special thanks to @valress for sharing them with me!


Inspirational Story of @adamgasmic from Venezuela

@Adamgasmic is a great promoter of Adam in Latin America and has a website at

 She asked me to edit her post which I have done somewhat. She starts by talking about AI which is broadcast in her country on a two-week delay.

” Among the participants, there was a boy in particular that struck me as quite different from his style with participants from earlier seasons and see the attractiveness of his range and vocal style, which meant that I was hooked from the start with the cataloging program in question this guy as my favorite. What was his name? -> Adam Lambert.

He started my interest in learning more about him, from where he came, what was his style, what was his background in the music world and began my interest in achieving each of the videos from the programs for which in my country should wait 2 weeks to accept or even hear of them. There began my journey and search for information on this guy gossip programs, magazines and newspaper cutting related to artistic musical environment of the United States.

My surprise was increasing every time I saw a new Episodes of the program through the videos because I no longer content to see it delayed, I wanted to have any updated information without having to wait to arrive to my country.

 So, I found a Facebook group where they post information about Adam Lambert as well as Latin Americans

Rapidly began to grow the group from a very unexpected way and with it began to distribute the tasks of information search and posted

Our Administrator’s group gave tasks assigned by countries to promote Adam Lambert in each of the different countries of Latin America, had fans from Argentina, Peru, Chile, Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, Dominican Rep, Mexico, so we began to meet in chats every night where we discussed the methods of promotion that would apply in each country to give to Know Adam.

We grew every day, sharing information, photos, and program results, discussing the reactions of judges became a solid group.
THE END OF AI was a day when we all were focused, every week we voted for adam for many hours to help him to continue in the competition and that day was not an exception. Some slept while others voted for adam using different media: phone cards, international calling It was frustrating to see that Adam did not win after so much effort because of his own country fans are not hard enough. We didn’t sleep, we spent much time and effort to get our votes counted.

In my case, I live in a country (Venezuela) where the social and political situation is not the best and for which ADAM LAMBERT has become my means of escaping problems. By day I fight for my rights, I go to protests, marches, meetings, and in the night … ADAM LAMBERT IS MY ESCAPE , MY RELAXING MOMENT.

Then I began to learn about Twitter, and given that we were 12 people who were looking for new information daily updated, I started sharing on this site and started to form part of a very nice group of Adam’s Fans to share about his life and his daily movements.-

I never in my 33 years of life had invested so much effort and time in ONE artist. Honestly, my musical tastes are not at all like those of Adam, and my lifestyle or my dress, but I have definitely learned to understand each of these aspects and accept that being liberal is not as wrong as we have been taught to believe in Latin America.

If you do a sociological analysis of the phenomenon of Adam Lambert, I believe that what is forbidden is what attracts most people, whether it’s someone you want to have and you know it will never be yours, makes you react natural way to fight for it.

I think the musical influence of the 70s in adam has been one of the attachment points for those older women who lived through the American musical release and therefore in the Americas and is what causes the age range between the fans of Adam Lambert is as open and varied. His Elvis Presley looks are also a definite plus as it revives the same feelings of passion they once felt in the youth.

The fact that Adam is gay makes the gap grow because gays are generally quite sensitive people so it has an open framework of diversity of followers from men to older women, since children who see their chance to achieve their dreams if fighting for.

I think that this analysis can confirm that I am a fan of Adam Lambert by choice. Currently I’m involved in a project I never thought could be given and we are within weeks of achieving this; is the creation of an official website as representing Adam fans in Latin America. We collected money among several people from different countries, we voted to choose the pictures, the logo design, and hired a web designer with experience in Fans groups since the Beatles to the most modern and current Singers. Our name is LATINGLAMBERTS and most of us already know in a few weeks

NOW, almost a year later…

I must say I cannot be more proud of how Adam has been handling all the events in which his career has become.

 After all the idol journey i assumed by myself the role of  the “Official Adam’s Promoter  in Latin America” and I am very proud  to occupy my free time promoting an artist so complete and intact.

 I have had some success with the promotion in Latin America but for me it is never too much, and there are still many countries where the cd has not been released yet and my goal is to achieve.

 After the release of the cd I will focus my work on making adam do at least one presentation in Latin America and after that … I’ll be happy .-

My only wish is that he knows he has a tireless promoter and supporter to death in a continent that should not know much.( and not only me, here in Latin America he has the approval, respect and admiration of many fans that have been following him since the beginning of his career ).





 Could you please leave a comment … need some feedback people!


For help in finding things on this site, check out “Adamquotedaily for Dummies”  here!

Twitter followers:  447,825 (+1525) 

Adam Official members:   65,900 (+ 260)

Adam Official website:    

If you are not already a member, please join this site.  It’s important for Adam’s success to have a growing, vibrant official fan site.  There is a great deal of good information there including messages from Adam. If you have had a problem joining or getting a password, send an email to and ask them to look into it or let me know if you still have any trouble. Please email your username to or DM @adamquotedaily (update:  Im in Adamofficial camp… blocked my account so please try to email the mod yourself..hopefully, one of these days I’ll be back on the site… can’t even get the numbers of fans anymore!)

If you have any questions about Adam or are looking for any videos, interviews, etc  feel free to ask me at @adamquotedaily.  I can’t promise answers but I’m willing to try. 

Please rate this post and/or leave a comment.  Thanx

May 5, 2010

A Second to Breathe? Not Likely!

Filed under: Adam Travels — adamquotedaily @ 8:38 am
Tags: , , , ,


Short MTV Interview with Jessie of Ripped Pants Fame


Adam (Not from?)Tonight Looking Gorgeous and Happy

This Picture is from Stockholm in April  according to Pia and the guy is Danny who was on Idol a couple of years ago… Thanks1

Tittilate Interview

Interviewer:  I can  completely understand why you have loads of girls screaming after you.

Adam:  (Laughs) “It is kind of ironic.  That’s a good way to put it.  I think it’s a beautiful compliment and I think that  ultimately what I do for a living is I provide illusion and escape and joy for people when I’m performing…. Brad Pitt.. a lot of females think he is beautiful and they fantasize about him and they go  oh he’s so sexy… but he has a wife.  So what are the chances of you even sleeping with him?  He’s taken.  He’s got kids. It’s kind of the same thing what I do,  except I’m just sleeping with boys.”

Adam, you are so adorable!  Big Smile!


Adam in Germany… from Adam Official


Tweets from Taping in UK today

Idolsnow ADAM LAMBERT guests on “Friday Night With Jonathan Ross” May 7 on BBC-1 in the U.K., airs May 14 on BBC-America in the U.S.

@JBGyllenhaal: Having a great time with @adamlambert in the Jonathan Ross greenroom

Ki55andTELL Adam was fantastic. Came across really well. Sang some of wwfm acapella 

KI55andTELL Elvis hair suit leopard boots

KI55andTELL Talked about ama kiss. Said tommy straight but he got lucky as t is cute

shoshannastone such a hilarious interview. watch on Friday night to see it. Adam is now eating crisps and watching Jake do his interview


More New/Old Pictures









Adam Lambert adamlambert London! Good to be back! Even if it’s only for a day… about 3 hours ago via Echofon (4:30 AM EST)

 LambertWatchUK Adam’s back in London and getting ready for an interview for the Jonathan Ross show this afternoon which will go out on Friday night




New Concerts Announced





















This was my Thank You to Adam, the Universe and You!

 (In case you didn’t notice a few days ago!)

How to Break the Top 100 on in 30 days or less!

1) Chose a topic with unlimited information and beauty; preferably talk about someone who has the utmost talent, grace, wisdom, depth, spirituality, beauty, intelligence, humility, sweetness, sexiness, creativity, authenticity, otherworldness and is close to perfection! Ensure that there are so many unbelievably gorgeous visuals of your topic that every choice of illustration will seem as though you worked hard to find the perfect one!

2) Jump right in and share your passion, love, creativity and happiness . Have no clue about what you are doing but so much love that it doesn’t matter. Believe in automatic writing… that the proper words and stories will appear.  Trust that the Universe will send you exactly what you need  and that every post will be exactly the way it is meant to be.

3) Find an international group of the most fun-loving, beautiful, devoted, passionate,  kind and loving  followers and friends who are hungry for information.  They must devour every single word about your topic and support you 100% in your pursuits.  Ask anything of these friends. They do not say NO!  They will answer your every question , appreciate everything you do and  surround you with love.  All fear flies out of the window and your only goal  is to provide this group with every exciting bit of information available, preferably in real-time where possible.

4) Dream that in some small way, there is a higher purpose for all your IFLAFL ing!  Have this mission statement in mind:


REALLY.. Thank you all so much for allowing me the privilege of talking about Adam! I am grateful and humbled beyond imagination.


Get Excited about the Glamnation Tour!

Thanks to @peacefrogdesign for these inspirational bits!


Posted by @fabulousClaudia

 Adam Interview from Lincs FM


Great Album Review

The success rate of American Idol alumni in the UK is patchy at best. While the likes of Kelly Clarkson, Jordin Sparks and Jennifer Hudson have all achieved chart success on these shores, previous winners such as Ruben Studdard, Taylor Hicks and David Cook can’t get arrested.

Despite the odds being somewhat stacked against him, Adam Lambert could prove to be a rare success story. His debut album boasts more A-Listers than a Grammys after-party, with the likes of Lady Gaga, Pink, Muse’s Matthew Bellamy and OneRepublic’s Ryan Tedder all contributing tracks. The result is a varied, yet surprisingly cohesive pop record, which ranges from flamboyant glam rock (Music Again) to sleazy electro-pop (For Your Entertainment).

Lambert shines brightest when he shows off the theatrical side to his personality. Strut, with its funky bassline and playful lyrics, and Gaga-penned Fever, with its infectious swagger, both stand out as clear highlights.

However, he’s also perfectly capable of expressing emotion too. Whataya Want From Me, with its hooky guitar riffs and impassioned lyrics, perfectly demonstrates his more vulnerable side, with him singing sincerely: ‘I’m a freak, but thanks for loving me’. While the track possesses many of the lyrical trademarks of its writer Pink, you’d struggle to find a song better suited to him.

At eighteen tracks long, For Your Entertainment is something of an endurance test, but it doesn’t disappoint. (Editors note!  Send me more… I want to endure!)

Best track: Next single Whataya Want From Me. Pink can do no wrong in our eyes.

Best lyric: ‘I want your body, mind, soul etc.’ (from Music Again)

Rating: 4 out of 5


Let’s Talk about Adam

Tonight at 10:00PM EST…Mark your calendar!  I’ll be there.. (if Adam hasn’t totally crashed me by then)














When You are Online… Listen Here… Lots of Adam!  Love this station!

and they love us too!

mcmonsterradio What I like about Adam Lambert fans is that you are so kind and warm hearted. Lady Gaga fans are too once you get to know ’em 🙂 (2AM EST)


 VH1’s best 100 videos of 2010 list (so far)

#1 Whataya Want From Me!!!

#6 For Your Entertainment!!


TOMMY by Tiia Ohman – Such a pretty boy! Love him!

“He’s an earth angel, kind- hearted, exudes sweetness, very pretty, and everyone wants to pull his hair!”

Thanks to FWB


Does anyone have this picture without the water mark on it?  Please send ASAP!

My new favorite Adam Lambert picture needs another viewing!


  Alison in Manilla… Talks about Adam and Glamnation Tour at 5:39 (briefly) 


“Adam Lambert continued to have the top-selling Idol track, as Whataya Want From Me topped 52,000 for the week.”

Adam… You are beautiful!


Very Cool Piano Cover of Can’t Let You Go… with Lyrics

(such a beautiful song… thanks!)



My 3000th Follower- Pihla!

Follow her on twitter:

So many Adam Lambert fans and so many stories!

Pihla is from Finland and first saw Adam on the AI audition show.  (It’s broadcast in Finland!) Her favorite song is Broken Open and favorite performances are  “Whole Lotta Love” on AI and “Fever” at Fantasy Springs.

” Keep on supporting Adam 😉 He’s the best thing in music industry since Elvis, The Beatles and Queen. I have met him quickly face-to-face and it was something unforgettable.
I met him at Stockmann. There was this signing event and I got his autograph. I had a chance to say stuff like thank you for coming and everything and he thanked me for coming 🙂 I had like ten seconds and I thought I can’t miss this chance to say even something..!”

Pihla… thanks for following me and for being an amazing Finbert! You guys are incredible and we adore you for supporting Adam so perfectly!


 Could you please leave a comment and let me know that you did… need some feedback people!


For help in finding things on this site, check out “Adamquotedaily for Dummies”  here!

Twitter followers:  445,450 (+1200) 

Adam Official members:   65,260 (+ 360)

Adam Official website:    

If you are not already a member, please join this site.  It’s important for Adam’s success to have a growing, vibrant official fan site.  There is a great deal of good information there including messages from Adam. If you have had a problem joining or getting a password, send an email to and ask them to look into it or let me know if you still have any trouble. Please email your username to or DM @adamquotedaily (update:  Im in Adamofficial camp… blocked my account so please try to email the mod yourself..hopefully, one of these days I’ll be back on the site… can’t even get the numbers of fans anymore!)

If you have any questions about Adam or are looking for any videos, interviews, etc  feel free to ask me at @adamquotedaily.  I can’t promise answers but I’m willing to try. 

Please rate this post and/or leave a comment.  Thanx

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