AdamBertDaily Blog

May 20, 2010

Interesting Words Adam!

IIHY VIDEO behind the Scenes from ET Online- Cant Wait to see this one!




Thanks to @swan2029 for posting

SLASH TALKS ABOUT ADAM-get ready for chills!


My Day Started With This…Big SMILE!

Jessica Valentine CupcakeKissesXO @Adamquotedaily I loved keep track of him too but damn its like ur with him or something! I’m excited on june 26th ill see him live 🙂 about 8 hours ago via MOTOBLUR

(Truth be told, I’m with Adam but at a soul level… Unfortunately, he doesn’t know about it YET!!!!)

Keep me smiling!  Subscribe to my Blog.. You will receive an email when I post.  But please, remember to keep checking back because I update it often!


Huggable Adam on Youtube!


Adam Sweetheart… we love you!  Stop working so hard!  It seems to be going to your vocabulary?  Kidding!


(On the livestream with @SashaMallory, I asked her to tell us something we didn’t know about Adam.  Her answer was that he likes to say Wham a lot!  And he used it a few times on Ellen!)

X-tina’s WooHoo is hot! I’m dancing while driving! Shwerk! about 20 hours ago via Echofon

Tweeting at stop light… Of course. Bitch Work= SHWERK! Thanks @brianfriedman and @IamCarmit for stickin that in my head! about 20 hours ago via Echofon

Adam Lambert adamlambert I love #electropopfunkstarevenings in the studio! about 6 hours ago via Echofon


  • Adam Lambert adamlambert Cuhcaaaaaw! RT @sam_sparro: Ina da studio listening to Adam Lambert track vocals with Nikka Costa. They’re making me do runway stomps.
  • ==================================

    First!  I added a lot of great pictures and videos on yesterday’s post in the evening so please go back now and catch up there!


     MP3 Download of IIHY from Ellen: Thanks to @noelchicha

    Not my Cockatoo loop: Thanks to @ladistardust



    Adam will be performing at 8:00PM EST, 5:00PM PST

    Adam talking about the MMVA Awards

    Adam Talks to Tanya Kim (a big fan) from ET Canada


    Posted by @RobertKovacik

    Tiny Bit of IIHY from ET- More tonight!  Set your PVRs!



    Stunning drawing by @santabillie

    TommyJoe Ratliff TommyJoeRatliff does anyone remember The State of MTV years back? Check this video out — Spaghetti with Bumblebees



    Here you will find videos of Longineu playing in the band with his Father!


    Magazine Cover in Latin America thanks to @adamgasmic

    @adamlambert An overwhelming and conclusive triumph Adam Lambert reached online vote made by the magazine…


     Havent Seen this one in ages!  Thanks to Lambertfan1977 for pointing it out!

    Its on my Fan Tribute Video Page along with lots of other epic ones!


    What Do We think of IIHY?


    ADAM, BAND and DANCERS  DO NOT WATCH! EVERYBODY ELSE, START PRACTICING! (Thanks to @virg1877 for sending this to me!)

    Check out this Oprah Surprise… Amazing!

    Now shhhhhhhh! Do not tweet to Adam!  Here’s the plan!


    Adam on Ellen…Can’t Stop Watching this one!

    If anyone has any stories, pictures or ideas related to Adam, please share them with me at  And if  I haven’t used your inspirational story and you would like me to, please send it again.  Things got a bit disorganized and I think some of them got deleted! Sorry!
    If you enjoy this blog, show your appreciation by clicking on the “Subscribe” button at the top right of this page and receive a daily email of my post of the day.


     I would greatly appreciate you rating this post or leaving a comment!      


    For help in finding things on this site, check out “Adamquotedaily for Dummies”  here!            

    If you are looking for something in particular, put the name in the search at the right side.  I found something yesterday and was amazed that it actually works!      

    Twitter followers:  465,944  (+3500)         

    Adam Official members: 68.920 (+560)        

    Adam Official website:            

    If you are not already a member, please join this site.  It’s important for Adam’s success to have a growing, vibrant official fan site.  There is a great deal of good information there including messages from Adam. If you have had a problem joining or getting a password, send an email to and ask them to look into it or let me know if you still have any trouble. Please email your username to or DM @adamquotedaily (update:  Im in Adamofficial camp… blocked my account so please try to email the mod yourself!)        

    If you have any questions about Adam or are looking for any videos, interviews, etc  feel free to ask me at @adamquotedaily.  I can’t promise answers but I’m willing to try.         

    Please rate this post and/or leave a comment.  Thanx        


    May 19, 2010

    Butterflies … and Ellen!

    Thanks to @thefilmqueen

    Thanks to @Scorpios4Adam

    Adam… You are so huggable!!!

    Posted By @robertkovacik

    Adam on Skype for MMVA Awards


    Thursday On ET…Set your PVR!  Preview of IIHY Video 

    Short Snippet from Tonight

    By my dear friend @virg1877 MUAH sweetie!


    Adam sings IIHY on Ellen

    Sit down … 1:16  OMG!

    Adam and Ellen Dancing

     MP3 : WMV File:

     Interview on Youtube

    Thanks to @Knyghtlyn for sending this to me! MUAH!

    Backstage Message

    Ellen and her show LOVE Adam!

    Here’s My Live Blogging from this Morning… makes me smile!

     That woman running through the wall is gonna have a lot of company when Adam Lambert is discussed!
    ( They showed a clip of a woman from the audience running through a wall when it was announced that Justin Bieber was in the dressing room!)
    Robert Pattinson… I dont think he gets it… me neither! @Sashamallory, one of Adam’s dancers said that Robert and Adam are the same height except for Adam’s hair!
    Counting the seconds… OMG… where is Adam?  I don’t mind Robert.. he seem like a nice guy with a strange sense of humour…shaved his hair because of nits!
    Screenshots from Ellen (posted yesterday)
    Thanks to @_itsnestea
    Pattin Pattinson… blindfolded fan needs to find Robert! You can only touch his body! With blindfolds…. Wouldnt be a problem finding Adam, now would it!
    Adam on after the commercial… he looks so young and beautiful!  Great makeup job! Is that his Tshirt or is it a necklace.. Cant tell from the quick clip
    Love his hair… Its on! “The very talented Adam Lambert”… its a neckpiece
    Gorgeous outfit… Hair…” Two of the most beautiful people” and Ellen shows picture from People magazine
    “That bird was temperamental… not his cockatoo!  WHAM! WHAM!” Adam
    Sasha said he loves to say WHAM!
    Adam is gorgeous!
    More about AMA awards… “You are hugely successful, you are an amazing performer!
    You are in a league of your own.” Ellen
    AMA….It was one performance! 
    In Europe, many want to know why its a  big deal
    IIHY….Uplifting, positive, connection and love!   Awesome message to put out in the world!
    So short… he’s back to sing at the end!
    Adam, you’re beautiful and you’re doing it perfectly!
    Video clip at top of page of IIHY but I’m waiting to watch it on the Big Screen
    Before I bring out Adam Lambert… twice
    another commercial… Ellen you are making me want to go to the top of this page and watch that clip…. I’m going to wait… How do you people who do not watch all the tour videos before your show do it?  I couldn’t resist for that long!
    Kiss and Ellen Hug…
    Dancing with Ellen at the end..
    Great performance…. Great dancing!  Great Day!


    Note to self: Today, arrange to add Much Music to my Satellite TV package! 

    Four performers added to the MMVAs! 

    We took a big ‘ol risk with our first MMVA announcement. Like, for realz – Miley, Katy and Justin? How the heck were we gonna keep your excitement level at the supadupacrazyhigh level we created with the pop trifecta? Enter: the pop/rock/rap foursome, a fourfecta if you will. 

    (Drum roll please) Announcing Adam Lambert, Ke$ha, Down with Webster and Marianas Trench as part of your MMVA 2010 performers! Ahhh! You’ll be watching the clock go Tik Tok until it’s time for the MMVA performers to be Beside You when you can finally watch the amazing line up perform For You Entertainment and hopefully make one of them Your Man (or woman). 

    Can’t decide who you’re most excited to see perform? Check out videos of interviews and performances from MOD, as well as pics and blog posts for Adam Lambert, Ke$ha, Down with Webster and Marianas Trench on their Artist Pages! 

    Contest for tickets 

     Ages 13-24 only! (PS  Don’t feel bad! Adam’s too old to attend!) 

    Preview of the MMVA


    Shirt Lift thanks to @Scorpios4Adam

    Co-Hosting? (Is this true?) 

    Adam Lambert scored two nominations for his hit single Whataya Want From Me. Lambert will also be co-hosting the awards show with Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber and the MuchMusic VJs.,_MGMT_and_Adam_Lambert_Score_MMVA_Nods/ 


    Who is going? 


    Lets all watch WWFM on MM to make sure Adam wins this very important international award. 

    It’s on in the background on my computer right now! 

    @Scorpios4Adam ...thank you!


    Tommy Joe Ratliff Corner   – more coming  soon! 

    By Scorpios4adam!


    Unfortunately, Adam tweeted this last night: 


    Lets tweet @19News and see if this can be changed.  Big mistake but its more serious for American Idol than for Adam!  

    My theory is that Adam is so much better than all the contestants, he would make them look real bad . If I remember correctly, all the performers sing with some of the contestants.  Cannot imagine any of the contestants on the same stage as Adam… they would be dwarfed by his awesomeness and incredible talent! 


    More Presales Today at 10AM EST 



     Adam Lambert likes ‘authentic’ American Idol 2010 finalists 

    “All three of them are excellent singers. They’re all really organic and kind of authentic in what they do. They’re all likeable. They were all really nice when I met them on set,” he said. 



    Requesting IIHY Makes a Big Difference- US Information Here!  

    These stations are wanting us to make requests so lets make them happy! 

    Lets Help fans in Brazil spread the word about Adam 




    From yesterday 

    If there is anyone in this world who does not respond well to this, give up on them! Spectacular! 

    Heres the interview to go with the unbelievable Acoustic Version of WWFM below 

    Radio Energy –  Adam and Monte 


    Love how they look at each other at the very end!  

    (This takes me back to my early explanation of Adam’s awesomeness… his voice is a Chakra  #2 opener!) 

    If anyone has any stories, pictures or ideas related to Adam, please share them with me at  And if  I haven’t used your inspirational story and you would like me to, please send it again.  Things got a bit disorganized and I think some of them got deleted! Sorry!
    If you enjoy this blog, show your appreciation by clicking on the “Subscribe” button at the top right of this page and receive a daily email of my post of the day.


     I would greatly appreciate you rating this post or leaving a comment!      


    For help in finding things on this site, check out “Adamquotedaily for Dummies”  here!            

    If you are looking for something in particular, put the name in the search at the right side.  I found something yesterday and was amazed that it actually works!      

    Twitter followers:  461,457 (+150)         

    Adam Official members:  68,360 (+160)        

    Adam Official website:            

    If you are not already a member, please join this site.  It’s important for Adam’s success to have a growing, vibrant official fan site.  There is a great deal of good information there including messages from Adam. If you have had a problem joining or getting a password, send an email to and ask them to look into it or let me know if you still have any trouble. Please email your username to or DM @adamquotedaily (update:  Im in Adamofficial camp… blocked my account so please try to email the mod yourself!)        

    If you have any questions about Adam or are looking for any videos, interviews, etc  feel free to ask me at @adamquotedaily.  I can’t promise answers but I’m willing to try.         

    Please rate this post and/or leave a comment.  Thanx        


    May 18, 2010

    Planetary Alignment

    Special thanks to @thefilmqueen

    Wallpapers by @esselsari

    The Winner of Light or Dark 
    Hand in his Pants Adam Poll is:

    Do You Prefer Dark or Light Hands in Pants Picture? 

    Dark 15% (11 votes) 

    Light 85% (61 votes) 

    Total Votes: 72 

    Open this link only if you want to see some GB pictures and can handle it! 

    (Thanks to @jadis11- I think!) 



    If there is anyone in this world who does not respond well to this, give up on them! Spectacular!

    Heres the interview to go with the unbelievable Acoustic Version of WWFM below

    Radio Energy –  Adam and Monte

    Love how they look at each other at the very end! 

    (This takes me back to my early explanation of Adam’s awesomeness… his voice is a Chakra  #2 opener!)



    New Picture from IIHY Video Shoot

    @ RobertKovacik

    Promo For Ellen Show for tomorrow with Adam!

    And…. I was just in my car and IF I HAD YOU came on the radio.  First time I’ve heard it on air.  We gotta help to get this one to number1.  Keep requesting.. It’s gonna happen!!

    Yeah, Adam!!!

    Ellen livecam thanks to @mindchanger



    This looks like Adam’s recent hairstyle!  Last night, at the Voyer club…Thanks to @Inf001 for the info

     Sutan’s Facebook Page


    Two pics above are from NYC after Kradison by Eric Hallwell … thanks to inf001 for straighening this out!


    New concert Date in Pennsylvania (this is a maybe for me!)

    Upper Darby, PA

    Date: Thu, 2010-08-12
    Location: Upper Darby, PA
    Venue: Tower Theatre
    Cool spotters… anyone know when this picture is from?
    Urban Outfitters Alice in Wonderland T-shirt

    Please read this link!






    Looks Like Adam and the Band are Taping Ellen Today!  

    We know Ellen is a huge Adam fan and that he will be singing If I Had You! Show airs on Wednesday!  

    Ellen Interview from  December 1, 2009- I think Adam looks and sounds INCREDIBLE… even if he is talking about the AMA’s!  




     Here is Strut from Ellen’s Birthday Show January 27/10  





    Glam Nation Tour Pre-Sales for Wednesday, May 19  

    Adam Official will be holding exclusive pre-sales for the following Glam Nation Tour dates this Wednesday, May 19, by delivering a special password via email newsletter to registered site users. The password will be delivered by 10am EDT.  

    7/10 Louisville, KY / Kentucky Center
    7/12 Chesaning, MI / Meridian Entertainment Group
    7/19 Boise, ID / Morrison Center
    7/21 Portland, OR / Crystal Ballroom
    7/23 San Francisco, CA / The Warfield  



    Adam Lambert hits the talk shows this week  

    By PE News on May 17, 2010 2:26 PM | Permalink    

    Like some weird planetary alignment, the “Ellen” show is bringing together two of pop culture’s biggest icons, Robert Pattinson and Adam Lambert, for Wednesday’s broadcast.   

    And that’s not all. On Friday, Lambert appears on “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” with Kiefer Sutherland and Mary Lynn Rajskub (Chloe) of “24.”   

    They say a man is known by the company he keeps.   

    Unfortunately for fans, it’s way too late to get tickets to the tapings, but both shows make a limited number of stand-by seats available on days of taping. “Ellen” has a phone number to call on the day you want to attend (not in advance). It is 818-954-5929.   

    “Tonight” show fans have to line up at the studio for when the doors open at 8 a.m. (that means get there a lot earlier). The studio is at 3000 W. Alameda Ave. in Burbank.   

    And there are age limits: 14 and older for “Ellen,” 16 and older for “Tonight.”   

    Here are instructions on the shows’ Web sites.   




    Wednesday Night 10:00PM EST  


    Wango Tango- Another Great Version of Fever by Seacrestfanzone   


     Sales of FYE have increased substantially since Wango Tango!!! 


    Germany Loves Adam – Of Course!  

    Adam Lambert’s song “Whataya Want From Me” is included on the German “RTL Sommer Hits 2010” compilation CD  

    Track List  CD 1Mehrzad Marashi & Mark Medlock + + Sweat Shakira + + Gypsy Train + + Hey, Soul Sister Mehrzad Marashi + + Do not Believe Adam Lambert + + whataya Want From MeMarina & The Diamonds + + Hollywood P! Nk + + Bad Influence Mika Grace Kelly + + Lily Allen + + Not Fair Amanda Jenssen + + Happy Land
    Thanks to @alreference!

    Sally ChelseaGirl30 Hey Adam Lambert Fans are you looking at this !!!!!!!!!!! WWFM Number 1 in Germany   


    And In Canada  


    Adam Lambert will perform in Toronto as a part of his Glam Nation Tour on June 19, and it now looks like he’ll have a pretty major booking for the next day. According to the Toronto Star, the “Whataya Want From Me” singer has secured two nominations for the MuchMusic Video Music Awards. One nomination is for “Best Video by an International Artist,” while the other is the equivalent of a “Best New Artist” award. (Both of these nominations are for the “WWFM” video.)

    For any artist, a nomination to a major awards show is a big accomplishment. For the MMVMAs, it is perhaps even more of an amazing thing once you consider how few only the most popular stars outside of Canada (such as Lady Gaga and Taylor Swift) manage to secure the nods.”



    Tommy Joe Ratliff Corner 


    Watch Tommy- Singing Along (Thanks to @GlamCalam for sending this one to me) 

    and of course,  Adam is Unbelievable! 

    Take this link to view Tommy’s Biography and incredible Adommy pictures!  

    Here is Monte’s!  

    And Longineu’s!  

    Cam is coming soon!  



    Results of the Youth Zone Magazine Poll …thanks to @adamgasmic!   

    An overwhelming and conclusive triumph Adam Lambert reached online vote that made the magazine
    Youth Zone on the occasion of celebrating the arrival of his edition 100.
    More than 950,000 votes cast in favor of the singer, he was placed in a position unattainable
    (over 300,000 votes more than his closest competitor).   

    Lambert, remembered for his brilliant participation in American Idol, has a global fan community wich
    is very active and was present at the Youth Zone votes from the first day of the campaign.
    Adam now appear for the first time in a collectible poster that celebrates the 100 editions
    of the most widely read magazine for teens and youth in Peru and Latinamerica.   

    The artists who were under Adam Lambert were:
    Tokio Hotel (627.374 votes)
    TVXQ (187.910 votes)
    Taylor Swift (20.477 votes)
    Justin Bieber (20.438 votes)
    Green Day (15.252 votes), among many others.
    Part of the results also will be published in an upcoming issue (number 100) Youth Zone on Thursday May 20th,2010.   

    Yeah… Adam Lambert fans rule!   

    Now, lets get Adam back to #1 this week.  Vote, vote, vote!   


    Thanks to @hooplamagnet for scan

    Click to enlarge!  Great interview! 

    If anyone has any stories, pictures or ideas related to Adam, please share them with me at  And if  I haven’t used your inspirational story and you would like me to, please send it again.  Things got a bit disorganized and I think some of them got deleted! Sorry!
    If you enjoy this blog, show your appreciation by clicking on the “Subscribe” button at the top right of this page and receive a daily email of my post of the day.


     I would greatly appreciate you rating this post or leaving a comment!     


    For help in finding things on this site, check out “Adamquotedaily for Dummies”  here!          

    If you are looking for something in particular, put the name in the search at the right side.  I found something yesterday and was amazed that it actually works!     

    Twitter followers:  461,457 (+150)        

    Adam Official members:  68,360 (+160)       

    Adam Official website:           

    If you are not already a member, please join this site.  It’s important for Adam’s success to have a growing, vibrant official fan site.  There is a great deal of good information there including messages from Adam. If you have had a problem joining or getting a password, send an email to and ask them to look into it or let me know if you still have any trouble. Please email your username to or DM @adamquotedaily (update:  Im in Adamofficial camp… blocked my account so please try to email the mod yourself!)       

    If you have any questions about Adam or are looking for any videos, interviews, etc  feel free to ask me at @adamquotedaily.  I can’t promise answers but I’m willing to try.        

    Please rate this post and/or leave a comment.  Thanx       



    May 17, 2010



    With thanks to @thefilmqueen






    Thank you to @_bani for providing this one!



    Thanks to @yellowsister for sending it to me!


    Amazing Fan comment by @finewinebaby!  Thank you!  


    “How far’s this Wild Child gonna go? I’m thinking.. ALL the freakin way!! However far he WANTS..Adam just makes good choices.  

     Look at his band… Freakin MONTE,excellent,he rips,he’s grounded,unflappable! We love Lisa too:) TOMMMYYY! OMG YES!! Wouldn’t even matter if he just STOOD there! LONGINEU wow! Had it in him, before he was even born. Love his taste in shirts,when he wears them:)and his lady love Joan. CAM…You totally represent!! Loved your little impromptu drum session. Your boys are loving you.
    ADAM…OMG Meatloaf full on LOVES and RESPECTS you!! HAHA..I’m dying!! How the hell does THAT feel?
    Everyone that has forever been positively effected by Adam, raise your hands!! YUP!, that’s what I thought ) Bottom line..however far you wanna go, take us with you..we are your devoted and deliriously happy minion..LOVE RULES!:))”  

    Thanks to @cmcaro for posting!


    Lyndsey Parker lyndseyparker @thefilmqueen Also it should be noted that Adam Lambert was one of the few Wango performers who didn’t seem to lip-synch or sing to track.

    Love Lyndsey and She Loves Adam!  

    “But just as Adam stole the show at Staples last summer, when he performed there in the second-to-last spot on the Idols Live Tour, he commanded the stage like Wango Tango’s main attraction. He may have even converted quite a few underage Bieber fanatics into Glamberts. Surely the impressionable Bieberheads must have been wowed by the stratospherically high notes Adam hit (especially during the off-the-musical-scales vocal workout “Sleepwalker”), which even the pre-puberty, pre-voice-change Justin Bieber could never dream of reaching.  

    If only there’d been Adam Lambert glammerpants at the Wango Tango merch booth. Oh well. Maybe they’ll be on sale on Adam’s anticipated summer Glam Nation Tour. U can’t touch him!”  


      Adam Lambert Finally Finds His Keys

    LOL! …Guess where they are hiding?

    Adam Lambert Says ‘If I Had You’ Clip ‘Gets Kind Of Psychedelic’

    “The ‘If I Had You’ video we shot in the woods at night,” he continued. “I was inspired by the parties that I’ve gone to in the past, like Burning Man and this other party called Lightning in a Bottle. There’s a big kind of subculture in California and around the country of people who are designers and performance artists, just free spirits that like to come together and play dress-up and have a good time. And it’s a very specific community, one that’s inspired me a lot.”

    Instead of casting people to look like they could be part of this subculture, Lambert got his real friends onboard. “I invited my friends to come party in my video, so there’s a real authentic joy,” he explained. “And it gets kind of psychedelic. There’s just gonna be a lot of special effects … Some are from [Los Angeles variety extravaganza] “The Zodiac Show,” some are from parties [and] clubs. … Some of them I’ve done theater with. It’s a big variety of people.”



    ‘American Idol:’ Adam Lambert’s ‘harem pants’ become hot topic  

    Adam Lambert is not just an influence in the world of music — he’s becoming one of the most-discussed male fashion icons of the past few years. So far in 2010 we’ve seen the “American Idol” runner-up rock platform shoes, a studded codpiece, skintight pants, and of course copious amounts of glitter and eye liner.  

    Therefore, it’s no surprise that Adam’s “harem pants” (or, as I called them earlier Sunday, “glam parachute pants”) from Saturday night’s Wango Tango are already becoming talked about. As usual with the singer, there have been a number of people praising the look along with a few critics here and there. In a retweet Adam posted on his own page, one fan had this to say about the look:  

    “Asking why the harem pants is like asking Madonna why the pointed bra!”  

    Is there no better compliment than being compared to Madonna? I certainly cannot think of any (except for maybe being compared to Elvis — and the people in Japan and at “American Idol” have already bestowed that honor upon Adam).  

    5. Adam Lambert

    Rank last year: 16

    Mr. Lambert, the 1950s are calling: interestingly, they don’t want their pompadour back. In fact, they’re fully admitting that no one back then managed to make a pompadour look nearly as sexy as you do.  

    Adam famously didn’t win American Idol, despite dominating the competition all season long – a result widely believed to be the result of American discomfort over Adam’s perceived sexuality. And he probably didn’t do himself any favors with his deliberately-provocative performance at last fall’s American Music Awards. But what makes Adam such a dynamic performer is precisely what sometimes lands him in hot water: his utter refusal to compromise his own unique artistic vision. Now that’s hot.  

    But the hottest thing about Adam? Under all that hair gel and eyeliner, behind the whips and chains, is obviously a very kind-hearted soul, and maybe just the tiniest touch of geek. Adam, you have a charisma of “18” – and if you’re truly the closet geek we suspect you are, you know exactly what we mean.,20  




    I love this picture!  

     I love this picture!  

    You have to seriously watch Tommy rocking  in this video… and Adam too!

    Watch it all but Tommy starts around 2:40!

    New Longineu Video



    Look at these!









    Short and Sweet AI Japan Commercial  


    Five Questions with Adam at Wango Tango 

    “You’ve been touring the world to promote For Your Entertainment—Japan, Australia, England, just to name a few. Have other countries you’ve visited been accepting of your sexuality?
    Yeah, one of the things that I’ve found that has been really refreshing abroad, is that for the most part, there’s not as many taboos and hang-ups on sexuality [as there are in the U.S.]. So, it’s actually been really great, because the focus has been on the music, as it should be.

    What do you think has been the problem in America?
    I think there are just some more conservative people here. But I have a lot of warm, beautiful, very accepting fans here and I’m lucky for it.”

    Adam in Russian  Magazine:  Shock, Glitter, Beauty!

    Thanks to @iamstarsky for posting

    And Remember Glaad!

    THanks to majadesmits for posting!

    Another Season of American Idol… More Adam Lambert for sure!  

    And Who Does Adam Predict will will AI9?

    Light or Dark or Both?  You Decide!

    Dark edit provided by @mcmonsterradio

    If anyone has any stories, pictures or ideas related to Adam, please share them with me at  And if  I haven’t used your inspirational story and you would like me to, please send it again.  Things got a bit disorganized and I think some of them got deleted! Sorry!
    If you enjoy this blog, show your appreciation by clicking on the “Subscribe” button at the top right of this page and receive a daily email of my post of the day.


     I would greatly appreciate you rating this post or leaving a comment!  


    For help in finding things on this site, check out “Adamquotedaily for Dummies”  here!    

    If you are looking for something in particular, put the name in the search at the right side.  I found something yesterday and was amazed that it actually works!  

    Twitter followers:   461,340(+1500)     

    Adam Official members:  68,200 (+140)    

    Adam Official website:        

    If you are not already a member, please join this site.  It’s important for Adam’s success to have a growing, vibrant official fan site.  There is a great deal of good information there including messages from Adam. If you have had a problem joining or getting a password, send an email to and ask them to look into it or let me know if you still have any trouble. Please email your username to or DM @adamquotedaily (update:  Im in Adamofficial camp… blocked my account so please try to email the mod yourself!)    

    If you have any questions about Adam or are looking for any videos, interviews, etc  feel free to ask me at @adamquotedaily.  I can’t promise answers but I’m willing to try.     

    Please rate this post and/or leave a comment.  Thanx  


    May 15, 2010

    Who Named it Wango Tango?


    My beautiful banner by @thefilmqueen!


    Live Wango Tango Updates



    Posted by Cam!


    Longineu and Joan backstage

    Interview earlier


    Short video of Adam leaving the signing:



    Lots of Action with this Poster


    From our Livestream cellcaster Extraordinaire! Thank you!


  Adam Lambert interview


    Tooo Funny!






    Adam and Tommy... a new perspective!

    By @hellocarrot with thanks


    Check out the hairdo!


    Tonight is the Wango Tango Concert and here is the Sign thanks to @DavidStyles

    Adam Lambert’s Wango Tango appearance in Los Angeles tonight, here’s the link of the UStream and the performers list from someone on IDF.

    HH is set to perform for 20 minutes at 7:25pmPST!

    I got the Wango Tango revised schedule (since there had been a change in start time to 6:45 PM). 15 min betw B.o.B. & Adam! Stage set-up?

    Artist Length Start End
    Change Over Time

    / start 6:45 PM/end 6:55 PM

    B.O.B./ 10 MINUTES/ start 7:00 PM/end 7:10 PM

    ADAM LAMBERT/ 20 MINUTES/ start 7:25 PM/end 7:45 PM PST

    KE$HA/ 20 MINUTES/ start 8:00 PM/end 8:20 PM

    DAVID GUETTA/ 15 MINUTES/ start 8:35 PM/end 8:55 PM

    AKON/ 20 MINUTES/ start 8:50 PM/end 9:10 PM

    JUSTIN BIEBER/ 20 MINUTES/ start 9:30 PM/end 9:50 PM

    LUDACRIS/ 20 MINUTES/ start 9:57 PM/ end 10:17 PM

    USHER/ 30 MINUTES/ start 10:32 PM/end 11:02 PM

    May 15 – Adam Performs at Staple Centre, Wango Tango annual concert. 

     Glam rocker Adam Lambert, teen pop sensation Justin Bieber and  R&B singer Usher and  are set to perform at Los Angeles radio station KIIS-FM’s annual “Wango Tango” .  Also Kesha and Ludacris are performing 

    SashaMallory  Good day.. Great night… Next stop WANGO TANGO BIATCHES!!! Soo pumped

    Livestream by @CoralMermaid

    I will be there tonight and stop by this site for some live blogging!


    Mr Perfection in InRock magazine  Japan, June 2010

    hooplamagnet  You can pre-order INROCK June issue featuring Adam here:


    Thanks to all who voted!  WWFM was back up to #3 this week on the Vh1 countdown.  We need to keep voting for it for two more weeks to get it to the Hall of Fame!  And by then, we should have IIHY to focus on… cannot wait!

    and look here:

    ‘American Idol:’ Adam Lambert paving the way on VH1 for new video

    Adam Lambert fans still have something to be excited about on VH1 — even though the “American Idol” runner-up song “Whataya Want From Me” has been out for over half a year, the singer is still finding a way to stick around in the top ten on the network’s top 20 Countdown. (Most recently, he was ranked #6.) (and today it was #3)

    So how does he do it? At the end of the day, VH1 comes solely down to fan voting, and Adam’s fans have shown that they are ready and willing to support their singer in whatever way possible. In this case, that means requesting his song online as much as possible — even after some of the initial hype has died down.

    The best news for Adam with this is that it looks like he will remain in the top ten long enough so that his new song “If I Had You” can take over in a few weeks. With the video already shot, it will only be a matter of time now before the editors and directors have it all polished up and ready to go.



    Is it your Birthday today?


    What’s going on with this?  Adam’s photos being blocked!

    This is making sense now.. Looking at Adam’s fully clothed body is pornography?! 

     Clearly that’s why we are so obsessed with him so thanks to the censors for the explanation!

     And some examples of AL Porn!


    Love This!- Live the Life featuring Adam Lambert

    Adam sounds amazing!



    The Ellen Show- May 19

    Ellen loves ADAM LAMBERT so much, and today he’s performing his latest song, “If I Had You.” He’s sure to have some opinions on the upcoming finale of “American Idol.” Adam has proven that you don’t have to be the winner to become a superstar! Plus, all month long Ellen has been surprising audience members with her huge Yay! May! Sweepstakes, and today, one person is going to have their life changed!


    Pictures of Adam with Justin Collins on The Good Time Show with thanks to @Adamgasmic!

    (This is the guy who was kissing Adam on the cheek)





















    This show will be aired the end of May!


    Looking for a copy of the Japanese Rolling Stone ?

    Lindajean139  Order Adam’s Japan RollingStone here 

     UK FYE CD here


    Adam Lambert V. Kris Allen – One Year Later, Who is Taking it to the Next Level?

    “What the world is discovering about Lambert in his live performances is that his album “For Your Entertainment” is merely his pallet. The tracks laid down are only the colors he will use, but it is not his finished  portrait. In each live performance Lambert takes each tune and artistically and creatively crafts a version to his whim. His variations appear to be endless. Vocally he is still exploring new and otherworldly realms. Far beyond what was displayed on American Idol we are learning that Lambert’s multi octave and technically beautiful vocals are not his only gifts. It is not only that he can sing like no other it is the genius of his artistry that will set him apart. That brilliance is just beginning to be unleashed.

    In the year since American Idol propelled Allen and Lambert into the spotlight we have seen one emerged as the star and one who is headed for obscurity. Adam Lambert is the American Idol winner in every way that counts.

    (I believe that both Kris and Adam have what they want from American Idol.  But, it’s nice to have what we all know and believe acknowledged… that Adam Lambert is the superstar!)

    And here is Allison.. another winner from Season 8!


    Have Some Extra Cash?

             Adam Lambert and Chris Daughtry have both just joined a new celebrity eBay benefit auction to help raise money for cancer research. The American Idol standouts are both auctioning off a combination pack of tickets and a meet-and-greet.

    With three days still left to bid, tickets to meet Adam Lambert and attend a performance during his upcoming Glam Nation tour, has already raised more than $3,000. That’s by far the highest bid item on the celebrity auction which is raising money for City of Hope.


    Tommy Joe Ratliff Corner


    @tommyjoeratliff posted this picture!

    TommyJoe Ratliff TommyJoeRatliff  I think this is the coolest thing I’ve seen and heard in years… Omg!@trent_reznor: Check out our new video:


    Did you see this Shane Proulx Teaser?


    Let Us Now Praise Effeminate Men 

    “We’re often asked here at why exactly we are so fucking wet for Adam Lambert. Because Adam Lambert is a genderfucker! Because like we always say girls can do (if you want to, of course), he doesn’t pick one prescribed gender performance or the other, he just wears costumes and Is Himself. We dig girls who fuck with gender in their style as well — it can even be quite brave, and brave is very sexy.

    Adam refuses to be shamed. And glam rock is perfect like that:  leather/glitter & aggressive/beautiful all at once.”


    And for playtime today!

    Play Dress-Up With Adam


    Adam Lambert Rolling Stone Puzzle

    Let me know how long this one takes you


    Please click on the “Subscribe” button at the top right of this page and receive a daily email of my post of the day.


     I would greatly appreciate you rating this post or leaving a comment!


    For help in finding things on this site, check out “Adamquotedaily for Dummies”  here!  

    If you are looking for something in particular, put the name in the search at the right side.  I found something yesterday and was amazed that it actually works!

    Twitter followers:   458,000 (+1450)   

    Adam Official members:  67,880 (+160)  

    Adam Official website:      

    If you are not already a member, please join this site.  It’s important for Adam’s success to have a growing, vibrant official fan site.  There is a great deal of good information there including messages from Adam. If you have had a problem joining or getting a password, send an email to and ask them to look into it or let me know if you still have any trouble. Please email your username to or DM @adamquotedaily (update:  Im in Adamofficial camp… blocked my account so please try to email the mod yourself..hopefully, one of these days I’ll be back on the site… can’t even get the numbers of fans anymore!)  

    If you have any questions about Adam or are looking for any videos, interviews, etc  feel free to ask me at @adamquotedaily.  I can’t promise answers but I’m willing to try.   

    Please rate this post and/or leave a comment.  Thanx



    May 14, 2010

    Beautiful…Adam and his Fans!

    And the winner of the banner contest is @thefilmqueen ! The picture used is one she took at the Red Robinson concert in Vancouver.
    I received nine entries and they were all unique and very special.  I’m going to change them up every once in a while.  The one I chose appealed to me because the colour reminds me of Adam’s eyes and I love the background ! 
    So what do you think?
    I will email the winner to get the details of where to send the prize I have for her!
    Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to work on this.  Love you guys!
    IIHY Video Shoot  Pictures
    Adam Lambert Music Video
    May 13th 2010. Los Angeles, California. ***EXCLUSIVE*** Adam Lambert filming a music video for “If I Had You” in Griffith Park during the pre dawn hours on Thursday morning. Adam appeared to have a bulge or some sort of enhancement device in the crotch of his pants. Photo by Eric Ford/ On Location News. 818-613-3955
    (LOL what they write about!!! Do you think Adam will address this issue???  OMG!)
    Adam is wearing his American Idol tour jacket without the tails.  He had said in an interview that he might find one more special time to wear it.  He also seems to be wearing boots similar to the  KISS platform boots which he donated to the Hard Rock Cafe.  And he has these shin guards on which he wore in Tokyo.
    Way to put it all together!  Adam, you look incredible as usual!!
    Adam and Dancers Perform FYE on 5-19 Show in the UK
    Adam with Beautiful People at Paper Magazine Party Last Night
    Papparazi Video

    and this little article makes me say “Aw….we know!”

    Adam Lambert was just one of the celebrities to attend Paper Magazine’s 13th Annual Beautiful People Party at The Standard in Hollywood.

    “The former American Idol finalist rocked his unique style on the red carpet at the event and stole the show from all the other attendees.

    We can’t get enough of Adam’s album, For Your Entertainment and the man himself too. He’s one of the nicest men in music!”

    VH1 Voting Continues Today and Why We Gotta Do this!
    Only 3 more wks and WWFM goes into 20/20 Hall of Fame! Please vote!
    Could everyone please go and vote as many times as possible today.. Need to keep Adam and WWFM video near the top!  We need everyone’s help!
    And just think, by the time we get WWFM into the Hall of Fame, we can start working on If I Had You!  Management said it should be released by the end of May!
    and while we’re at it
    NJLovinLambert Anyone can request Adam on Z100!! Just put IIHY in the space at the bottom of the form, let’s get it on the Z!!
    If I Had You AOL Sessions- Epic!!
    Some late tweets about IIHY Video shoot:
  • Scarlett Cherry scarlett_cherry …had an amazing time @adamlambert‘s shoot last night…lots of love…lots of family…& lots of fierceness….
  • Leo Moctezuma LeoMoctezuma Up & reflecting on such a Funtastic night on set last night w/ my friends @adamlambert @alisanporter (cont)

    WehoDaily Adam Lambert Video Wraps in Griffith Park – All night shoot ended early 2day. Crew raves “he couldn’t have been nicer.” via @RobertKovacik

    Adam Outtakes!
    YT: How would you describe your live show?
    AL: I just give it my all. I give it a ton of energy and I try to sing the… heck out of everything. There are fans that have expressed, “Oh you know, we like it when you do a little more rock.” The live shows have a little more weight to them. The live instrumentation kind of gives the show a more rock feel, but all the songs on the album are kind of in the middle anyway. They’re all kind of stuck between the electro-land and the rock-land.
    This is too Adorable!

    More from Paper Magazine Party here:
    Interactive Map of Glam Nation Tour Cities on Google

    Did You see This Great Interview from Finland?  Posted on Yesterday’s Blog
    Every Generation Has an Icon (thanks to @joeyxrocks for posting)
    Tommy Joe Ratliff Corner
    Tommy Has a Tail and Black Leather Pants!
    Tommy after the IIHY Video Shoot ( thanks to @va_bites for posting!)
    TommyJoe Ratliff TommyJoeRatliff Stopped at a burrito stand by me house. Construction workers don’t take too kindly to glitter at 630am! :0 8:23 AM May 13th via Echofon
    TommyJoe Ratliff TommyJoeRatliff Ya I even heard one mutter “okAy let’s get out of here” haha 4:23 PM May 13th via Echofon


    Who Loves Pick U Up?  Me!!


    Fabulous picture!  Thanks to @adamgasmic for providing it !


    Great Pictures in this Fan Tribute!

    Check out tons of Fan tributes to Adam here:


    Pop Culture Videos ( not too many have seen these)

    Adam talks about fashion and his videos!


    Please click on the “Subscribe” button at the top right of this page and receive a daily email of my post of the day.


     I would greatly appreciate you rating this post or leaving a comment!


    For help in finding things on this site, check out “Adamquotedaily for Dummies”  here!  

    If you are looking for something in particular, put the name in the search at the right side.  I found something yesterday and was amazed that it actually works!

    Twitter followers:   456,550 (+850)   

    Adam Official members:  67,720 (+240)  

    Adam Official website:      

    If you are not already a member, please join this site.  It’s important for Adam’s success to have a growing, vibrant official fan site.  There is a great deal of good information there including messages from Adam. If you have had a problem joining or getting a password, send an email to and ask them to look into it or let me know if you still have any trouble. Please email your username to or DM @adamquotedaily (update:  Im in Adamofficial camp… blocked my account so please try to email the mod yourself..hopefully, one of these days I’ll be back on the site… can’t even get the numbers of fans anymore!)  

    If you have any questions about Adam or are looking for any videos, interviews, etc  feel free to ask me at @adamquotedaily.  I can’t promise answers but I’m willing to try.   

    Please rate this post and/or leave a comment.  Thanx



    May 13, 2010

    The Fun Continues! Its a Wrap!

    New (to me) X-Factor Interview


    Stop Smooching Adam Lambert!

    Justin Lee Collins – Good Times (UK)

     @GlamRockGodUK: Adam on the Justin Lee Collins Show will air ont May 31st


























    Thanks to @inf001 for providing these links!


    The Fun Continues on the If I Had You Video Shoot

    Adam and Joshua at the IIHY Video Shoot


     SashaMallory: Green lights make everything look cool

    Tommy and Kate Thompson

    katemthompson @tommyjoeratliff what babes… You’re all invited to our wedding. Creatures of the night… (2AM PST)

    Leo Montzuma and friends

    @LeoMoctezuma: Chillin in the dirt on a break between shots #IfIHadYou video w/ mamazun Alan Luis & I. So fun! (4 am PST)

    LeoMoctezuma Holding my bottle of Cafe Patron on the set of Adam Lambert’s “If I had You” Video shoot. Its 3:30am. Party time.

    LeoMoctezuma: Its 3am on adamlambert video set. We gettin sexy dancin our butts off. I love improving with my love alisanporter. So fun! about 2 hours ago via Echofon (3 am PST)

    Thanks to @_bani for posting all the pictures above!  Hit the translate button to read all the tweets, etc!

    Monterrific It’s 4:30 am and we are in the forest getting ready to film the band part of the “If I Had You” video.  (Thats now!! 7:30AM EST!)

    Monterrific Almost 6am. And it’s a wrap. So tired! Looks amazing from what we saw


    adamlambert That’s a wrap. Whew! Big thanks to the amazing cast and crew of the If I Had You music video!!


    Chills from what all Adam’s friends tweeted!

    leecherry Just got home from the @ adamlambert video shoot. It was so lovely to see so much love and support. This video’s gonna be special. G’night!
    TaylorG90 And Its A Wrap. I Like To Party. It Hasn’t Felt Like A Job Yet. History Was Made Tonight. Can’t Say Enough.

    LeoMoctezuma Congratulations @ adamlambert on Ur # IfIHadYou Video.Thank you for inviting me to be a part of it. Im so proud of you. Its gonna B Amazing! ❤

    cassidyhaley i love u @ adamlambert & yur song, but i swear if it doesn’t stop rattling around my head soon .. lol .. “got my leather boots on …”

    washing my face .. and going to bed .. goodnight / morning / afternoon / evening .. i dunno when it is anymore .. peace love

    KaronALynn N its a wrap finally done call time was 7pm for hair n make up been on set since 645 almost 12hrs I’m done lol I love u @ adamlambert

    WehoDaily Adam Lambert Video Wraps in Griffith Park – All night shoot ended early 2day. Crew raves “he couldn’t have been nicer.” via @RobertKovacik

    When Will We Get to see the  If I Had You Video ?

    Thursday, May 13, 2010 – 18:03
    By the time we edit it down, get all of the approvals and whatnot, you’re looking at the end of May, guys, but we’ll tease images and clips before then if possible.


    And from what must seem like a different lifetime to Adam:

    So cute thanks to @mindchanger.    The type of  flaming headdress he wanted!


    The Face of an Angel-Those eyes and smile!


    Four Minutes from Upcoming Shaun Proulx Appearance

    This is fantastic and the rest is coming soon. Adam at his best!


    Novuum 2 Interview


    Incredible Montage by Candis888!

    She suggests we use it for band autographs- Are we going to be lucky enough to get some?



    Adam Lambert fervor has us talking…”What is GLAM?”

    Do you know?

    Now that Adam Lambert is coming to town, our phones are ringing off the hook with rabid fans calling for information. They love his voice, his attitude, and his look! Adam’s theatrical style combines elements of Glitter Rock, Glam, and Goth. Having inundated myself with videos over the past few days and shuffled through my old stack of Bowie CDs, I thought it might be worth posting a few words about the origins of Glam, or Glitter Rock.

    According to Wikipedia, “Glam Rock (also known as glitter rock) is a style that developed in both the UK and USA in the early 1970’s, performed by singers and musicians wearing outrageous clothes, makeup, hairstyles, and platform-soled boots.”


    Billboard Poll… Best American Idol Ever!

    Go and vote for Adam!


    Final Day… Give it a Shot!… Win a Special Gift from Me!

    Mission statement:  Healing the world, one person at a time by spreading the awesomeness of Adam Lambert!  

    Contest Ends Friday May 14 so help me out!  

     Thank you so much to all of you who have already submitted a banner!  It’s going to be very difficult chosing one.  I knew you guys would come through big time as usual!  

    I would like a header or banner which includes my mission statement (above) to post at the top of my daily blog.  It doesn’t have to be fancy… a nice font and maybe a picture or whatever!  

    So, what can you come up with?  The winner’s name and masterpiece will displayed daily and I will also send you a personal gift..a surprise! You’ll like it…promise!  

    Send any entries to me   I will choose the winner next Friday, May 14 at 9:00 AM.   

    All entries will be displayed if requested!  


    Tommy Joe Ratliff Corner

     Tommy… you are precious beyond belief! ROFLMAO!

    TommyJoeRatliff omg everything was spinning i was so hungover here! haha Check this video out — Tommy on Finland about 8 hours ago via web

    (this is the same Tommy interview posted yesterday)

    Thanks to @TJRFans for posting this picture!

    Thanks to @wxteoevilyn for posting!

    Love the Adam lips in this one!


     Could we have a Live Concert  broadcast this weekend?

    kittybaroque Aussie Adams: Wango Tango concert broadcast live on Hot Hits Live from LA this weekend – Yaaahhyyy – see (cont)


    120% Adam.. Great Coverage of Adam in Finland

    Give it a minute and then the translate button should come up!


    Please click on the “Subscribe” button at the top right of this page and receive a daily email of my post of the day.


     I would greatly appreciate you rating this post or leaving a comment!


    For help in finding things on this site, check out “Adamquotedaily for Dummies”  here!  

    Twitter followers:   455,700 (+700)   

    Adam Official members:    67,480 (+ 420)  

    Adam Official website:      

    If you are not already a member, please join this site.  It’s important for Adam’s success to have a growing, vibrant official fan site.  There is a great deal of good information there including messages from Adam. If you have had a problem joining or getting a password, send an email to and ask them to look into it or let me know if you still have any trouble. Please email your username to or DM @adamquotedaily (update:  Im in Adamofficial camp… blocked my account so please try to email the mod yourself..hopefully, one of these days I’ll be back on the site… can’t even get the numbers of fans anymore!)  

    If you have any questions about Adam or are looking for any videos, interviews, etc  feel free to ask me at @adamquotedaily.  I can’t promise answers but I’m willing to try.   

    Please rate this post and/or leave a comment.  Thanx

    May 10, 2010

    Adam’s Excited! Us too!

    “The only example I want to set is to encourage people to be themselves and do what the hell they want.  Just don’t hurt anyone in the process.”
    Studio 5 Interview Shown Today
    Contest to win a great prize in there!  But don’t bother entering cause I’m going to win. LOL!
    New Dates Added for Glamnation Tour!
    4 New Shows Added to Glam Nation Tour

    Visit our EVENTS page for more details and stay tuned for pre-sale information!

    6/27 Baltimore, MD / Ram’s Head
    6/28 Washington, DC / 9:30 Club
    7/23 San Francisco, CA / The Warfield
    7/31 Las Vegas, NV / Mandalay Bay


    Adam’s Tweets Big Time Last Night

    adamlambert The Glam Nation Tour is going to visit these three different types of performance: Rock w the band, Pop w the dancers, and Acoustic. about 3 hours ago via web (1:30AM PST)

    adamlambert Im so excited to bring this show to my amazing fans! Break out the Glitter and Glam! Together we are gonna escape to another world! about 3 hours ago via web (1:30AM PST)

    Unplugged in Amsterdam: about 4 hours ago via web WWFM on Finland’s Xfactor

  Here’s Fever. Brings me so much joy to have my friends onstage w me! So great to share the stage with my dancers and band! Expanded family!

    @siamusic Clap Your Hands is my new jam!! Love your music- so excited for the album! about 4 hours ago via Echofon

    Here’s a few more epic ones for you Adam! Was planning to post them all today but there you go and do it for me!

    Twitter World is Excited Too!

    Fana FanaYaacob @adamlambert bring over your space ship to Asia adam.We want to ride it too 🙂 about 4 hours ago via web in reply to adamlambert

    Singapore Glamberts SG_Glamberts @adamlambert Hopefully you will be bringing this show to your fans in the REST OF THE WORLD too! about 4 hours ago via TweetDeck in reply to adamlambert

    RomAdams RO_Adams_fan@adamlambert Europe will just have to flail over the YT fan vids..but we’ll support and love u so much..have fun on ur GlamNation Tour..EPIC about 4 hours ago via web in reply to adamlambert

    Akibachofu kitchi85 @adamlambert I decided!!!!I wll go to america! swim from japan! about 4 hours ago via web in reply to adamlambert

    and the bad news is……..

    Monster Radio mcmonsterradioWe just got news that @adamlambert will not be doing the #glamnation tour coz all of you are way too excited and may pop a cork LOL about 4 hours ago via web (KIDDING!)

    and please, lets help fans all over the world see the tour online! (sign this petition)

    GNPetitionPetition comment “I would fly to the moon to see Adam live” have your say about why you want an online Live-cast.


    CNN iReport wants audio questions for Adam

    You can listen to all the questions that have been uploaded!  Some of them are  good. Some of them, not so much.  Let’s get some good, new questions for Adam onto the site!  Love the one where the father asks about fan fiction and the little girl throws in “I Love You!”


    Mission statement:  Healing the world, one person at a time by spreading the awesomeness of Adam Lambert!

    New Contest Ends Friday May 14 so help me out!

     For those creative types here… Lots, I know! I’m figuring I should turn to those of you who are talented in this area and I will stick with compiling Adam Info! 

    I would like a header or banner which includes my mission statement (above) to post at the top of my daily blog.  It doesnt have to be fancy… a nice font and maybe a picture or whatever!

    So, what can you come up with?  The winner’s name and masterpiece will displayed daily and I will also send you a personal gift..a surprise! You’ll like it…promise!

    Send any entries to me   I will choose the winner next Friday, May 14 at 9:00 AM. 

    All entries will be displayed if requested!

    Update:  So far, I have three entries so there is a good chance that you could win! So, get to work and see what you can come up with.  Thanks guys!


    Thanks to @Lambertlights for the cat pictures!


    I LOVE< LOVEIFLAFL ing over the rehearsal part!)


    Adam in an Australian Magazine dated May 10, 2010,  Thanks to @Tinaluvslambt



    Radio Energy Berlin… New Version of WWFM (Adam and Monte)

    Breathtaking performance!


    I know that many of you will be very upset (NOT!) but I realized I need to include the name Tommy Joe Ratliff in my daily blog cause there are people searching for his name and finding old posts!  So, I hope you don’ t mind a little TJR pic section!  If you do, complain to someone else!


    Adam’s Worldwide Certifications and Chart Placements for Singles and Album


     Fan Tribute Video- Happy Adam Lambert Day!


    About the Negativity Stuff! From A New Earth by Eckhardt Tolle

    “When you complain [or put someone else down] by implication, you are right and the person or situation you complain about or react against is wrong.

    There is nothing that strengthens the ego more than being right.  Being right is identification with a mental position- a perspective, an opinion, a judgment, a story.  For you to be right, of course, you need someone else to be wrong, and so the ego loves to make wrong in order to be right…Being right places you in a position of imagined moral superiority in relation to the person or situation that is being judged and found wanting.  It is that sense of superiority the ego craves and through which it enhances itself.”   Page 67


    We live in a world with unlimited abundance.  Adam’s success does not depend on the failure of others.   We do not have to hate or be envious of the position of other singers to help Adam do well. I find it so beautiful when Adam supports and promotes other artists who he enjoys. It would be nice if all of them did the same thing but understand that it takes a lot of spiritual development to  be able to do this.  And that’s one more reason that I Love Adam Lambert!



     Please leave a comment or rating … need some feedback people!


    For help in finding things on this site, check out “Adamquotedaily for Dummies”  here!

    Twitter followers:   452,740 (+1750) 

    Adam Official members:   66,460 (+ 160)

    Adam Official website:    

    If you are not already a member, please join this site.  It’s important for Adam’s success to have a growing, vibrant official fan site.  There is a great deal of good information there including messages from Adam. If you have had a problem joining or getting a password, send an email to and ask them to look into it or let me know if you still have any trouble. Please email your username to or DM @adamquotedaily (update:  Im in Adamofficial camp… blocked my account so please try to email the mod yourself..hopefully, one of these days I’ll be back on the site… can’t even get the numbers of fans anymore!)

    If you have any questions about Adam or are looking for any videos, interviews, etc  feel free to ask me at @adamquotedaily.  I can’t promise answers but I’m willing to try. 

    Please rate this post and/or leave a comment.  Thanx

    Blog at