AdamBertDaily Blog

May 17, 2010



With thanks to @thefilmqueen  





Thank you to @_bani for providing this one!



Thanks to @yellowsister for sending it to me!


Amazing Fan comment by @finewinebaby!  Thank you!  


“How far’s this Wild Child gonna go? I’m thinking.. ALL the freakin way!! However far he WANTS..Adam just makes good choices.  

 Look at his band… Freakin MONTE,excellent,he rips,he’s grounded,unflappable! We love Lisa too:) TOMMMYYY! OMG YES!! Wouldn’t even matter if he just STOOD there! LONGINEU wow! Had it in him, before he was even born. Love his taste in shirts,when he wears them:)and his lady love Joan. CAM…You totally represent!! Loved your little impromptu drum session. Your boys are loving you.
ADAM…OMG Meatloaf full on LOVES and RESPECTS you!! HAHA..I’m dying!! How the hell does THAT feel?
Everyone that has forever been positively effected by Adam, raise your hands!! YUP!, that’s what I thought ) Bottom line..however far you wanna go, take us with you..we are your devoted and deliriously happy minion..LOVE RULES!:))”  

Thanks to @cmcaro for posting!


Lyndsey Parker lyndseyparker @thefilmqueen Also it should be noted that Adam Lambert was one of the few Wango performers who didn’t seem to lip-synch or sing to track.

Love Lyndsey and She Loves Adam!  

“But just as Adam stole the show at Staples last summer, when he performed there in the second-to-last spot on the Idols Live Tour, he commanded the stage like Wango Tango’s main attraction. He may have even converted quite a few underage Bieber fanatics into Glamberts. Surely the impressionable Bieberheads must have been wowed by the stratospherically high notes Adam hit (especially during the off-the-musical-scales vocal workout “Sleepwalker”), which even the pre-puberty, pre-voice-change Justin Bieber could never dream of reaching.  

If only there’d been Adam Lambert glammerpants at the Wango Tango merch booth. Oh well. Maybe they’ll be on sale on Adam’s anticipated summer Glam Nation Tour. U can’t touch him!”  


  Adam Lambert Finally Finds His Keys

LOL! …Guess where they are hiding?

Adam Lambert Says ‘If I Had You’ Clip ‘Gets Kind Of Psychedelic’

“The ‘If I Had You’ video we shot in the woods at night,” he continued. “I was inspired by the parties that I’ve gone to in the past, like Burning Man and this other party called Lightning in a Bottle. There’s a big kind of subculture in California and around the country of people who are designers and performance artists, just free spirits that like to come together and play dress-up and have a good time. And it’s a very specific community, one that’s inspired me a lot.”

Instead of casting people to look like they could be part of this subculture, Lambert got his real friends onboard. “I invited my friends to come party in my video, so there’s a real authentic joy,” he explained. “And it gets kind of psychedelic. There’s just gonna be a lot of special effects … Some are from [Los Angeles variety extravaganza] “The Zodiac Show,” some are from parties [and] clubs. … Some of them I’ve done theater with. It’s a big variety of people.”



‘American Idol:’ Adam Lambert’s ‘harem pants’ become hot topic  

Adam Lambert is not just an influence in the world of music — he’s becoming one of the most-discussed male fashion icons of the past few years. So far in 2010 we’ve seen the “American Idol” runner-up rock platform shoes, a studded codpiece, skintight pants, and of course copious amounts of glitter and eye liner.  

Therefore, it’s no surprise that Adam’s “harem pants” (or, as I called them earlier Sunday, “glam parachute pants”) from Saturday night’s Wango Tango are already becoming talked about. As usual with the singer, there have been a number of people praising the look along with a few critics here and there. In a retweet Adam posted on his own page, one fan had this to say about the look:  

“Asking why the harem pants is like asking Madonna why the pointed bra!”  

Is there no better compliment than being compared to Madonna? I certainly cannot think of any (except for maybe being compared to Elvis — and the people in Japan and at “American Idol” have already bestowed that honor upon Adam).  

5. Adam Lambert

Rank last year: 16

Mr. Lambert, the 1950s are calling: interestingly, they don’t want their pompadour back. In fact, they’re fully admitting that no one back then managed to make a pompadour look nearly as sexy as you do.  

Adam famously didn’t win American Idol, despite dominating the competition all season long – a result widely believed to be the result of American discomfort over Adam’s perceived sexuality. And he probably didn’t do himself any favors with his deliberately-provocative performance at last fall’s American Music Awards. But what makes Adam such a dynamic performer is precisely what sometimes lands him in hot water: his utter refusal to compromise his own unique artistic vision. Now that’s hot.  

But the hottest thing about Adam? Under all that hair gel and eyeliner, behind the whips and chains, is obviously a very kind-hearted soul, and maybe just the tiniest touch of geek. Adam, you have a charisma of “18” – and if you’re truly the closet geek we suspect you are, you know exactly what we mean.,20  




I love this picture!  

 I love this picture!  

You have to seriously watch Tommy rocking  in this video… and Adam too!

Watch it all but Tommy starts around 2:40!

New Longineu Video



Look at these!









Short and Sweet AI Japan Commercial  


Five Questions with Adam at Wango Tango 

“You’ve been touring the world to promote For Your Entertainment—Japan, Australia, England, just to name a few. Have other countries you’ve visited been accepting of your sexuality?
Yeah, one of the things that I’ve found that has been really refreshing abroad, is that for the most part, there’s not as many taboos and hang-ups on sexuality [as there are in the U.S.]. So, it’s actually been really great, because the focus has been on the music, as it should be.

What do you think has been the problem in America?
I think there are just some more conservative people here. But I have a lot of warm, beautiful, very accepting fans here and I’m lucky for it.”

Adam in Russian  Magazine:  Shock, Glitter, Beauty!

Thanks to @iamstarsky for posting

And Remember Glaad!

THanks to majadesmits for posting!

Another Season of American Idol… More Adam Lambert for sure!  

And Who Does Adam Predict will will AI9?

Light or Dark or Both?  You Decide!

Dark edit provided by @mcmonsterradio

If anyone has any stories, pictures or ideas related to Adam, please share them with me at  And if  I haven’t used your inspirational story and you would like me to, please send it again.  Things got a bit disorganized and I think some of them got deleted! Sorry!
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Twitter followers:   461,340(+1500)     

Adam Official members:  68,200 (+140)    

Adam Official website:        

If you are not already a member, please join this site.  It’s important for Adam’s success to have a growing, vibrant official fan site.  There is a great deal of good information there including messages from Adam. If you have had a problem joining or getting a password, send an email to and ask them to look into it or let me know if you still have any trouble. Please email your username to or DM @adamquotedaily (update:  Im in Adamofficial camp… blocked my account so please try to email the mod yourself!)    

If you have any questions about Adam or are looking for any videos, interviews, etc  feel free to ask me at @adamquotedaily.  I can’t promise answers but I’m willing to try.     

Please rate this post and/or leave a comment.  Thanx  



  1. Your Blog is Glorious today, I LOVE everything you say about our Beautiful ADAM INSIDE & OUT!!!! I just wish one thing could I be Adams pants one day or that WALL he is up AGAINST in that new photo Shoot??? LMAO. There are too many WISHES I have for ADAM, thats just naming a FEW! XOXO

    Comment by merrie — May 17, 2010 @ 9:26 am

  2. Dayummmm! I am about to make your blog my home page. I never thought I would consider anything but Google – that’s impressive!!

    Comment by noskerdycat — May 17, 2010 @ 9:42 am

  3. Thank you so much.. that is so sweet! I think I’m getting a bit choked up!
    So glad you are enjoying it! Adam is inspiration!

    Comment by adamquotedaily — May 17, 2010 @ 9:46 am

  4. HOLY MOTHER OF ALL HOT PICS!!!!!!!!!!!…………Licking screen again! Mmmmmmmmmmm

    Comment by sweetsexysean — May 17, 2010 @ 11:25 am

  5. Question: Why was the pic of Adam putting his hand down his pants darkened/censored?

    Comment by sweetsexysean — May 17, 2010 @ 11:40 am

  6. Ok hands down, this is the way to start your day (other than having Adam by your side for real)!! LOVE the Black and White pics. LOVE the topics, stories etc. But I have to say when I saw “The Dark Edit” picture, after I started breathing again I thought JUST KILL ME NOW:)

    I really love this blog. First thing I check every morning!!!


    Comment by LuvAdam476 — May 17, 2010 @ 11:40 am

  7. Sorry got so excited I screwed up my signature line….lol

    Should read:



    Comment by LuvAdam476 — May 17, 2010 @ 11:42 am

  8. Why was the last picture darkened? Sigh

    Comment by Azure — May 17, 2010 @ 11:47 am

  9. That picture of Adam with the pompador is almost my favorite picture of him ever. Just beautiful!

    Comment by IsabelR — May 17, 2010 @ 12:05 pm

  10. I wish that picture was his album cover.

    Comment by IsabelR — May 17, 2010 @ 12:06 pm

  11. Where are these black and white stunning photographs from!. Now that is a look for him.

    Comment by leigh — May 17, 2010 @ 12:08 pm

  12. Drama?

    Comment by adamquotedaily — May 17, 2010 @ 1:30 pm

  13. The link is under the top picture.

    Comment by adamquotedaily — May 17, 2010 @ 1:30 pm

  14. I’m with you on that one Isabel ! That’s the picture I see when I turn on my phone , just glorious !!
    But damn, it’s hard to choose, they’re ALL glorious !!

    Right Gloria ????

    Comment by katesistergood — May 17, 2010 @ 2:08 pm

  15. I asked the same question… but no reply. Just seemed a little odd that “THAT” pic was darkened.

    Comment by sweetsexysean — May 17, 2010 @ 4:43 pm

  16. Which picture are you two referring to? Anything you say, KS… I agree!

    Comment by adamquotedaily — May 17, 2010 @ 6:41 pm

  17. As an FYI, if you click under the link of the first picture it will take you to all the pics listed, BUT GUESS WHAT…….the pic with Adam so (ok let me breath) suggestively putting his hand down his pants IS NOT DARKENED. Yes you read correctly. Already checked it out and WOW to all of them!!!

    Check it out ….GORGEOUS PICS


    Comment by LuvAdam476 — May 17, 2010 @ 7:38 pm

  18. Omg Adam how far are you gonna take this, all your fans are going to be DEAD, at least we will die HAPPY, LMFAO I’m still laughing, you are a RIOT!!!!! LOVE IT ALL….. XO

    Comment by merrie — May 17, 2010 @ 8:12 pm

  19. you are right. Im going to put the light one on too. LOL its not an issue for me… just thought the dark one was cool!

    Comment by adamquotedaily — May 17, 2010 @ 8:19 pm

  20. I like the dark one…. I’m just that way.. lower baby:))

    Comment by finewinebaby — May 17, 2010 @ 8:49 pm

  21. ummmmmmm….these pics should be registered as lethal weapons!!! as should HRH!!!
    with my last **coherent** brain cell i vote LIGHT. its always about the light!!

    Comment by Lori — May 17, 2010 @ 8:58 pm

  22. Ooooh la la ! “hand down in the pant” is Hot Hot Hot! looove it, you are so sexy BB !!

    Comment by libraglam — May 17, 2010 @ 9:01 pm

  23. Loooooooove all the ‘’ pictures !!!

    Comment by libraglam — May 17, 2010 @ 9:02 pm

  24. Light or Dark ? If black and white background –> Best is Light
    If Color background –> I think Dark Green.. or Dark Honey background would be nice.

    Comment by libraglam — May 17, 2010 @ 9:06 pm

  25. Thanx for the daily “fix’!!!! You never disappoint. Every time he does something outrageous, it takes me aback initially…then I succumb and accept, until the next shocker!!!! Love knows no discrimination!

    Comment by cybergraanny7 — May 17, 2010 @ 9:54 pm

  26. Thanks for the great insight loved the info !

    Comment by Pro Sports — May 29, 2010 @ 2:12 am

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