AdamBertDaily Blog

June 22, 2010

Another Top 40 Hit with IIHY!!


Wham Bam

Today’s Updates

Katy grabs Adam’s butt… thanks to Libraglam for the link!

Please buy and gift IIHY Music Video!  It is now #38 on the  Mediabase Top 40 US airplay chart!


You Won’t Miss a Thing!  Slow Motion IIHY Music Video! 



Adam? Thanks to @rntmom


Adam’s MMVA Acceptance Speech (which  he didn’t get to give) 





We Watched This Interview being taped while waiting for Adam to Sign Autographs 

They kept the crowd noise low cause every few minutes we screamed “We Love You Adam” 



Thanks to susanm for these incredible pictures!






Souncheck from MMVA Awards… Outside at John/ Queen Street, Toronto 

When Adam was at Much Music back in February, he made a joke about how appropriate it was for him to be appearing in the Queen St. window – so adorable!  And here he is performing there! 



Beautiful photo gallery from Wham Bam! 




THis Contest Only Goes to June 27 so vote daily and use all your email addresses and  I appreciate your help so much!!!!!  Vote for Anita!   

I need your help… Here’s the short version!        

I entered a contest to win meet and greet tickets for Adam and tickets to the concert in Upper Darby.  A couple of days ago I got an email telling me I was not eligible cause I live in Canada and not in the Philly area!         

I have a friend who is entered, lives in the proper area and is going to take me as her partner if she wins the contest.         

So, are you willing to help?        

 It’s one vote a day and if I get to meet Adam Lambert, I promise that I will write an epic blog and I will keep you entertained with all news Adam forever and a day!        

  (That’s assuming I live…)         

 Here is the link… vote for Anita once a day… I will consider this to be payment for this blog forever!         

Another Photoshop Job! (thanks to @rikkapaul for your help!)      


Tommy Joe Ratliff Corner 




Posted by Adommyismydrug... MMVA Sound checkPictures above by Battlebrainbutterfly

Wham Bam

Thanks to @rntmom for this one!

Thanks to susanm for this pic!


Adam Lambert’s Glam Nation Tour Connects with Audiences 

Lambert is a triple threat: gorgeous vocals, sexy and charismatic. No matter that he is openly gay. He may have single-handedly lain to rest the notion that coming out of closet will discourage female fans. His fans care about his vocal talent, musicality and showmanship – yes, he’s very hot – and his ability to connect emotionally, whatever the genre, from standards and classic rock to contemporary electro-pop. The fans see themselves as crossing boundaries, and he appeals to the qualities they value – diversity, pleasure and freedom.” Buoyed by the enthusiastic response to their book, the authors have launched a blog, also called On the Meaning of Adam Lambert , and radio show, Juneau & Xena’s Blogtalk Radio . The authors’ writings resonate with Lambert’s fans, who pour out their feelings online: “You and your site are as loved as Adam and thank you for all you do to serve the fans!! I bet you thought your blog would just be a fun expression of devotion and obsession to Adamit’s much more than that now, right?” 


Look at all these amazing older Adam pictures! 

(Can’t get enough of them and these are perfect!) 


New Contest… Upload a Video 

Win a VERY special Swarovski Crystal glove as worn by Adam Lambert! 


Beautiful drawing by @jolson12miggles


   If you enjoy this blog, show your appreciation by voting for ANITA and clicking on the “Subscribe” button at the top right of this page and receive a daily email of my post of the day. If you are not receiving daily emails, you probably subscribed to the comment feed at the bottom of the page so subscribe now!          

CHECK BACK LATER FOR REGULAR UPDATES FROM THE WORLD OF ADAM LAMBERT!                                                 

 I would greatly appreciate you rating this post or leaving a comment!                                               


For help in finding things on this site, check out “Adamquotedaily for Dummies”  here!                                                                                                

If you are looking for something in particular, put the name in the search at the right side.  I found something yesterday and was amazed that it actually works!                                               

Adam Official website:                                         

AO members today: 75,140 (+140)             Twitter followers  506,700 (+1300)              

If you are not already a member, please join this site.  It’s important for Adam’s success to have a growing, vibrant official fan site.  There is a great deal of good information there including messages from Adam. If you have had a problem joining or getting a password, send an email to and ask them to look into it or let me know if you still have any trouble. Please email your username to or DM @adamquotedaily (update:  Im in Adamofficial camp… blocked my account so please try to email the mod yourself!)                                                 

If you have any questions about Adam or are looking for any videos, interviews, etc  feel free to ask me at @adamquotedaily.  I can’t promise answers but I’m willing to try.                                                  

Please rate this post and/or leave a comment.  Thanx 

June 21, 2010

OMG OMG UR Best International Video Award to Adam Lambert!!!!!


We are so glowing with pride Adam!!!

  Today’s Updates


Longineu Plays Katy Perry


Fans… We are the Best!!  

We had a mission and we voted and Adam won the best international video award at Much Music (voted by the fans!)  yesterday.  Considering the competition, this is an incredible feat for Adam and us.  IFLAFLING big time!!!  

First of thousands to come Adam!!!!  

(Kesha Tik Tok, Lady Gaga Telephone, Miley Cyrus Party in the USA, Taylor Swift You Belong with me)  

(oops somewhere in here… let me know how you find it!)  


Adam’s Performance at the MMVAs  


Adam’s Arrival at the MMVA Awards  


Interview on  Arrival  




Adam Lambert: ‘Whataya Want From Me’  

WWFM Music Video here!  


The Glambabies…posted by @lisa_pittman!

Tommy Joe Ratliff Corner! 




At Wham Bam by FWB

Tommy at Wham Bam by FWB


Tommy (and Adam) looking gorgeous at the MMVA video award show!  



THis Contest Only Goes to the end of June so vote daily and use all your email addresses and  I appreciate your help so much!!!!!  Vote for Anita!  

I need your help… Here’s the short version!       

I entered a contest to win meet and greet tickets for Adam and tickets to the concert in Upper Darby.  A couple of days ago I got an email telling me I was not eligible cause I live in Canada and not in the Philly area!        

I have a friend who is entered, lives in the proper area and is going to take me as her partner if she wins the contest.        

So, are you willing to help?       

 It’s one vote a day and if I get to meet Adam Lambert, I promise that I will write an epic blog and I will keep you entertained with all news Adam forever and a day!       

  (That’s assuming I live…)        

 Here is the link… vote for Anita once a day… I will consider this to be payment for this blog forever!        

Another Photoshop Job! (thanks to @rikkapaul for your help!)     

Sincere apologies about yesterday… I posted about 8 more amazing pictures from my Wham Bam up close experience and they did not appear.  I seriously hope my laptop is not going… its probably on Adam overload after a year plus of this craziness!  So, here they are again!  

But first! Video of Adam Signing Autographs… My cape makes an appearance at 1:50 and 2:30 approx!  





Photo by FWB!

Watching Adam through the fence before the show by FWB


Monte on fire by FWB

There will be a Wham Bam concert post on my blog soon… It might end up being after Foxwoods which I am leaving for on Wednesday.. So much excitement in Adam land!!  


Adam Lambert ‘Caught Off Guard’ By Interest In His Hair  

Get used to it Adam… we are interested in everything about you!  


   If you enjoy this blog, show your appreciation by voting for ANITA and clicking on the “Subscribe” button at the top right of this page and receive a daily email of my post of the day. If you are not receiving daily emails, you probably subscribed to the comment feed at the bottom of the page so subscribe now!         

CHECK BACK LATER FOR REGULAR UPDATES FROM THE WORLD OF ADAM LAMBERT!                                                

 I would greatly appreciate you rating this post or leaving a comment!                                              


For help in finding things on this site, check out “Adamquotedaily for Dummies”  here!                                                                                              

If you are looking for something in particular, put the name in the search at the right side.  I found something yesterday and was amazed that it actually works!                                              

Adam Official website:                                        

AO members today: 75,000 (+160)             Twitter followers  505,425 (+1525)             

If you are not already a member, please join this site.  It’s important for Adam’s success to have a growing, vibrant official fan site.  There is a great deal of good information there including messages from Adam. If you have had a problem joining or getting a password, send an email to and ask them to look into it or let me know if you still have any trouble. Please email your username to or DM @adamquotedaily (update:  Im in Adamofficial camp… blocked my account so please try to email the mod yourself!)                                                

If you have any questions about Adam or are looking for any videos, interviews, etc  feel free to ask me at @adamquotedaily.  I can’t promise answers but I’m willing to try.                                                 

Please rate this post and/or leave a comment.  Thanx

June 20, 2010

Perfectly in Toronto!




Video of Adam Signing Autographs… My cape makes an appearance at 1:50 and 2:30 approx!

Livestream Link for tonight!


I’m Too Tired to go to the MMVA Awards… but so sad missing AL live!

‘American Idol:’ Adam Lambert tweets dad a Happy Father’s Day; soundcheck at Much Music Awards

Adam Lambert — AP

Today is an important holiday — Father’s Day. Former American Idol finalist Adam Lambert has taken to the popular social networking site, Twitter, to wish his dad a happy holiday. The singer also Lambert has recently been touring the U.S. and will do so until all dates have been performed. The Glam Nation tour will then go international. Adam Lambert will also appear on the Much Music Awards show tonight with a performance.

Singer Adam Lambert tweeted:

“Happy Father’s Day Dad!!! @milestougeaux I love you!”

While preparing for his Much Music Awards performance, Lambert took to his Twitter again to say:

“At the Much Music Awards Soundcheck!!!”


Here are some pictures taken by my daughter’s friend!


Very cool picture with the CN tower in the background!


Thanks to @Scorpios4Adam for putting these on twitpic

Lots more to come.  Ive asked a friend of mine to put a bunch on twitpic cause Im having trouble posting them and I don’t have the chord for uploading from my phone yet either!  OUCH!


I can’t imagine how yesterday could have been any better (within the context of an Adam Lambert concert of course!)  The weather was gorgeous, the Adam fans were wonderful and Adam was his perfect self.  It’s going to take me a few hours to digest all that happened and report  so please check back later and watch for my tweets. 

Seeing Adam up close has ignited my flame for meeting him even stronger… is that possible?  So friends, please vote for Anita below and help me win a meet and greet ticket for the concert in Upper Darby.  

I need  help to upload the pictures from my camera so those will be up later this morning. There are some really good pictures including lots of Adommy! 

  Here are the ones I took on my Blackberry.  Up close Adam with no zoom!  He was within arms reach!  I did take a minute to breathe.  It was a bit scary at times but worth overcoming my friggin fear of being in the middle of a crowd (Thanks Adam) to see him.  I wasn’t moving for anything! 

Realize that I am snapping these pictures with my cell phone while trying to stay present and aware that  Adam is directly in front of me and doing my best to stay on my feet!  Considering that, I think they are incredible pictures! 


The Man!




The pink is the edge of a sign that the girl in front of me was holding.  I had my cape out but there was so much noise and screaming that Adam didn’t know I wanted him to sign it.  And as an aside, my daughter who was at the concert, got Adam’s autograph which I promptly stole from her to add to my collection of cherished Adam stuff!  


Adam was very playful and a bit less restrained than at other concerts so far!  Yeah, Canada!!  

Couple of specifics I remember:  When he sings “kaleidoscope” in Rabbit Hole,  some gestures and some stuff with the cane!  I’m sure I will locate it later! 


Fever with the Adommy Lick/Kiss? 


More Videos from Toronto: 


Some great pictures from Wham Bam here!



THis Contest Only Goes to the end of June so vote daily and use all your email addresses and  I appreciate your help so much!!!!!  

I need your help… Here’s the short version!     

I entered a contest to win meet and greet tickets for Adam and tickets to the concert in Upper Darby.  A couple of days ago I got an email telling me I was not eligible cause I live in Canada and not in the Philly area!      

I have a friend who is entered, lives in the proper area and is going to take me as her partner if she wins the contest.      

So, are you willing to help?     

 It’s one vote a day and if I get to meet Adam Lambert, I promise that I will write an epic blog and I will keep you entertained with all news Adam forever and a day!     

  (That’s assuming I live…)      

 Here is the link… vote for Anita once a day… I will consider this to be payment for this blog forever!      

Another Photoshop Job! (thanks to @rikkapaul for your help!)   


 Interview by Kiss 92.5 – I lead the We Love you Adam Chant! 


Glambert strutts stuff for T.O.


Pop star and former American Idol contestant Adam Lambert lights up the Molson Amphitheatre with his over the top flair and showmanship Saturday night.  (Jack Boland, QMI Agency)
Pop star and former American Idol contestant Adam Lambert lights up the Molson Amphitheatre with his over the top flair and showmanship Saturday night. (Jack Boland, QMI Agency)

Adam Lambert – the big-voiced and flamboyant runner-up in 2009’s American Idol contest – lived up to his nickname of Glambert on Saturday night as he made his only Canadian concert stop this summer at the Molson Canadian Amphitheatre. 

Like a peacock showing off his feathers, Lambert strutted his considerable stuff over the course of a brisk, hour-long set backed by a four-piece band – including guitarist-musical director Monte Pittman, best known for teaching Madonna how to play – and four dancers. 

The 28-year-old singer made a memorable first appearance at the top of a staircase decked out in a feathered top hat with a big red A embossed on it, a purple, black fur-lined coat with fringe sleeves, black leather pants with cod piece, and black fingerless gloves. 

And did I mention the heavy eye-makeup, half-shaved head and major accessories? 

Much like Liberace and Boy George before him, Lambert doesn’t back down in the fashion department and made several costume changes as the concert progressed. 

And much like Freddie Mercury, too, he’s got the vocal chops to back up the eye-catching outfits. 

Strangely, Lambert opened his set with a recorded version of ‘For Your Entertainment,’ the song that garnered him headlines last year when he same-sex kissed a male band member while a dancer shoved his face into Lambert’s crotch during the American Music Awards. 

Maybe he didn’t want to court controversy again? Or was trying to make a statement about the over-reaction to that AMA performance? 

The closest he ever came to being suggestive all night long was putting his arm around his bass player and pushing his face close to his. 

Whatever the reason, Lambert, his band and dancers finally appeared on stage by the next song, ‘Voodoo.’ 

But it wasn’t until a slowed-down, harder-rocking version of Johnny Cash’s ‘Ring Of Fire’ and his own ‘Fever,’ that Lambert finally found his groove as a performer and showed off some impressive thrusting dance moves. 

In addition to hitting some major notes during subsequent songs like the power ballad ‘Sleepwaker’ and acoustic versions of ‘Whataya Want From Me,’ ‘Soaked,’ and ‘Aftermath,’ Lambert moved well during the shoulder-shaking ‘Surefire Winners’ and ‘Strut,’ which saw him perform synchronized moves alongside his dancers, and the anthemic set-ender ‘If I Had You.’ 

He was also brimming with sage advice for the wildly mixed audience made up of young girls, goth guys, families and older couples. 

“Heartbreak sucks,” said Lambert while introducing ‘Aftermath.’ “But sometimes you have to lift your head up and push on through.” 

He also did a great job on Tears For Fears’ ‘Mad World’ – a crowd favourite during his American Idol days – during his encore. 


New Fan Tribute Video by LambertGlowbug- Pop Goes the Camera by Adam Lambert! 



Adam tweeted this link! 

GoCheeksGo Everyone should enable that! – RT @xkimmayx I liked a YouTube video – Cheeks v Neil: Lip Service (@gocheeksgo


   If you enjoy this blog, show your appreciation by voting for ANITA and clicking on the “Subscribe” button at the top right of this page and receive a daily email of my post of the day. If you are not receiving daily emails, you probably subscribed to the comment feed at the bottom of the page so subscribe now!       

CHECK BACK LATER FOR REGULAR UPDATES FROM THE WORLD OF ADAM LAMBERT!                                              

 I would greatly appreciate you rating this post or leaving a comment!                                            


For help in finding things on this site, check out “Adamquotedaily for Dummies”  here!                                                                                          

If you are looking for something in particular, put the name in the search at the right side.  I found something yesterday and was amazed that it actually works!                                            

Adam Official website:                                      

AO members today: 74,840 (+140)             Twitter followers 503,900 (+1200)           

If you are not already a member, please join this site.  It’s important for Adam’s success to have a growing, vibrant official fan site.  There is a great deal of good information there including messages from Adam. If you have had a problem joining or getting a password, send an email to and ask them to look into it or let me know if you still have any trouble. Please email your username to or DM @adamquotedaily (update:  Im in Adamofficial camp… blocked my account so please try to email the mod yourself!)                                              

If you have any questions about Adam or are looking for any videos, interviews, etc  feel free to ask me at @adamquotedaily.  I can’t promise answers but I’m willing to try.                                               

Please rate this post and/or leave a comment.  Thanx     

June 19, 2010

Tweeting about Adam All Day!


Thanks to @hot4adam!

Hi friends! 

Today is the day of the Wham Bam Concert in Toronto and I am attending with a whole bunch of friends and family.  At 1:00, we are meeting other Adam fans at a restaurant in the venue and then we will be spending the entire day listening to other artists and hanging out. 

Adam and the Band are onstage at 9:00PM tonight to close the concert, so needless to say… the  anticipation and build-up will be incredible! 

I have two batteries for my Blackberry and will be tweeting Adam related news all day long.  I’m going save the second battery for Adam’s performance so stay tuned.  

So excited to be seeing HRH and the boys for the sixth time today… Geez, I wanna give that boy a big hug! 


VH1 Debut #20 for IIHY! 

FoxVegas:MattCarterMedia Adam Lambert debuts on VH1 top 20 with ‘If I Had You’ – <<<♥>>> @adamlambert, THIS! ♥ 

Hey… looking forward to meeting @FoxVegas today… She is sitting right in front of me at the concert!!! 

So excited! 




 I need your help… Here’s the short version!    

I entered a contest to win meet and greet tickets for Adam and tickets to the concert in Upper Darby.  A couple of days ago I got an email telling me I was not eligible cause I live in Canada and not in the Philly area!     

I have a friend who is entered, lives in the proper area and is going to take me as her partner if she wins the contest.     

So, are you willing to help?    

 It’s one vote a day and if I get to meet Adam Lambert, I promise that I will write an epic blog and I will keep you entertained with all news Adam forever and a day!    

  (That’s assuming I live…)     

 Here is the link… vote for Anita once a day… I will consider this to be payment for this blog forever!     

Another Photoshop Job! (thanks to @rikkapaul for your help!)  



Adam Lambert Talks About New Video & Tour In Conference Call PDF Print E-mail
Herb Longs / Friday, 18 June 2010 14:31

This afternoon, Adam Lambert participated in a conference call with various media folks about his Glam Nation Tour. 

For a complete list of Adam’s tour stops, click here

AI Now’s Renee Snyder was a part of the call and provided these live tweets on our @AINow account: 

  • A typical day for Adam when not touring is really a hustle – interviews, photoshoots, rehearsals, paperwork, international promo
  • Adam was asked if he uses “The Secret” philosophy. He does engage in positive thinking to manifest his dreams. And it worked!
  • Adam reacted to the panic of him shaving part of his hair. He thought it was hilarious and not newsworthy. He sees it as “air-conditioning”
  • The show is very theatrical. There are 4 dancers, costume changes, definitely glam!
  • Adam said there will be more dates announced. They are waiting for the venues to finalize. Some dates also in Asia & Europe
  • Adam was asked if he knows Train. He’s “not necessarily a fan, but has nothing against them”
  • He has lowered the key of some songs to save his voice and be at his best for every show. He worked with a vocal coach to do this.
  • “If I Had You” reflects where he is personally & professionally right now.
  • Adam said Neil was looking for a job and Adam said they needed a production assistant on the tour, so they hired him
  • Adam said there was a socio-political plan to the If I Had You video. Age, sex, religion, etc doesn’t matter. Everyone can party together.
  • He was asked how he chooses which song for the encore. It’s decided at the moment! But it’s probably going to be both now.
  • He’s excited to see a wide range of demographics in the audiences. A mix of ages and men and women.Broader ethnicity cross-section
  • Adam is not fond of lip-synching and he won’t be doing it. He prefers more vocally driven
  • As far as type of venue, he prefers the theaters, which is what he is used to. He also likes architecture and decor of them.
  • Over the years he has met a lot of incredible people that are part of “gypsy groups” in LA and wanted to bring them into the IIHY video.
  • The Common Grounds show will not be the full show – it will be a festival show…The “festival” shows are usually shorter, so won’t be the full glamnation show
  • Can’t Let You Go hasn’t been released in the US and there is only “so much time” in the show, so he isn’t doing it.
  • Live cd of Glamnation? It has been discussed, but they don’t really know
  • The set includes stairs, lasers, costumes. Rock and roll punk type theme. Turn of the century New Orleans feel
  • The vibe from the crowd can affect how “frisky” he is in each performance. It also depends a lot on his mood at the time.
  • Adam takes something away from each city. The vibe in the audience is different every night. And he does look at the people in the crowd.
  • His current make-up artist/hair stylist is an old friend from LA. He is also working with Skingraft for fashion, who he also knew before
  • Adam believes that if you have success in your life, you should spread it around. So he tries to help his friends out.
  • Adam will perform Whataya Want From Me on Much Music Awards since that’s the vid nominated.


Last day Vote @Adamlambert for a MMVA 

  Adam is performing WWFM on the awards broadcast in Canada tomorrow night! 


Adam’s on Fire! 

Thanks to @JgJbGlamCass

Videos from Royal Oak, Michigan
(available here via @Lamberlust)
Adam Lambert glams it up at Royal Oak Music Theatre
Lambert was able to successfully leapfrog styles, from glam-pop and theatre rock, his boundless instrument unifying the material. Best were the bawdy pop throwdowns “Surefire Winners” (where he brags his baby clothes were made of leather and lace) and “Strut,” as well as the celebratory schlock rock of “Music Again.” “If I Had U,” accompanied by an armageddon of lasers, closed the set, while a mashup of a sped-up “Mad World” and a slowed-down “Whole Lotta Love” acted as the encore. Lambert’s vocals were the focus, and they rarely ever wavered, although his band could have used more punch (man, the things he could do with a string section!). In addition, his conceptualization of the production deserves more than a plain backdrop and a screen projector. Still, Lambert is on the right path, although it’s borderline criminal for a show called “Glam Nation” to not employ the use of a glitter confetti canon. That’s a no-brainer, right?

From The Detroit News: 

Thanks to @Hot4Adam

Tommy Joe Ratliff Corner 

Thanks to @lilybop2010

@barstoolrodeo for a couple concerts ago!

Couple of Gorgeous Pictures of Adam and Allison from IIHY





   If you enjoy this blog, show your appreciation by voting for ANITA and clicking on the “Subscribe” button at the top right of this page and receive a daily email of my post of the day. If you are not receiving daily emails, you probably subscribed to the comment feed at the bottom of the page so subscribe now!      

CHECK BACK LATER FOR REGULAR UPDATES FROM THE WORLD OF ADAM LAMBERT!                                             

 I would greatly appreciate you rating this post or leaving a comment!                                           


For help in finding things on this site, check out “Adamquotedaily for Dummies”  here!                                                                                        

If you are looking for something in particular, put the name in the search at the right side.  I found something yesterday and was amazed that it actually works!                                           

Adam Official website:                                     

AO members today: 74,700 (+220)             Twitter followers 502,700 (+1200)          

If you are not already a member, please join this site.  It’s important for Adam’s success to have a growing, vibrant official fan site.  There is a great deal of good information there including messages from Adam. If you have had a problem joining or getting a password, send an email to and ask them to look into it or let me know if you still have any trouble. Please email your username to or DM @adamquotedaily (update:  Im in Adamofficial camp… blocked my account so please try to email the mod yourself!)                                             

If you have any questions about Adam or are looking for any videos, interviews, etc  feel free to ask me at @adamquotedaily.  I can’t promise answers but I’m willing to try.                                              

Please rate this post and/or leave a comment.  Thanx    

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