AdamBertDaily Blog

June 3, 2010

Not Without my Laptop!


(Is anyone getting tired of seeing this picture yet?  I didn’t think so!) 


Tonight’s Updates!

My beautiful new picture of Adam Lambert drawn by the extremely talented @santabillie

The universe is in alignment for me to see Adam!  There was almost no traffic on the QEW or all the way to Buffalo, the sun was shining (supposed to rain), the customs agent was into Adam Lambert (its a great way to get over the border), shopping mission accomplished ( got everything I needed and that never happens) and there was a beautiful rainbow across the highway as Marg and I drove towards Syracuse tonight. Oh, and of course there was great music and I got to talk about Adam all day long!  Sorry Marg… but I don’t think you minded too much!?

Will leave tomorrow morning  for the final two hour drive to arrive at our hotel around noon and begin the mission of finding Adam and/or the band!  And also meeting as many Adam fans as possible!

Love and hugs to all who tweeted good wishes… gonna do my best to give you the most up to date information tomorrow… stay tuned!


adamlambert: Check out all month for a behind the scenes peek into my tour, video and li

 negativeneil: adam’s laser demonstration just gave me acid flashbacks



Amy Wallen Interview Download! (Eber Lambert’s partner)

whimsicalspirit: So… I cut out the parts of interest in the Amy interview. mp3 d/l here: AWKWARDNESS WARNING!!!

Well, not too much that I missed today but prepare yourself for tomorrow!



Thoughts as I leave to see Adam at Wilkes-Barre… the opening show of the Glam Nation Tour! 

This morning at 8:30, I’m leaving with my Adam friend, Marg to drive to Pennsylvania from my home near Toronto. Not without my laptop! (updating as often as possible!)   Of course, I’m excited beyond belief!  Cannot wait to see Adam and the band perform and meet so many of the fans who I havemet in cyberspace! 

I feel unbelievabley proud of our boy Adam.  So many of us have known from the day we first spotted his beautiful face and heard his incredible voice on American Idol,  he was destined for greatness.  And  the Glam Nation tour is showing people  across the US and the world just how well loved our Adam is!  

Wilkes-Barre will be the fifth time I have seen Adam in person and I am more excited now than I have ever been.  Seeing him on the Idol tour, in NYC for Kradison and at Much Music in Toronto only made me more appreciative of how spectacular a superstar we have latched onto. 

Adam Lambert!  Have a great tour… fun and success and love!  May it be everything you ever dreamed of and more.  May you also feel just a little bit of the never- ending  love we your fans feel for you.  You are one of a kind… for sure!! 

Love and Hugs and all the best the world can offer always! 

Your fans 

“When you are performing and the audience is screaming your name, it totally charges you up,”   Adam Lambert 

(We’ll be screaming your name!) 

A few incredible fan quotes 

“I honestly believe he may be one of the greatest stars in our lifetimes, and I am jazzed thinking of how I will tell my grandchildren how it felt to see Adam for the first time on American Idol, when I was young.” 

“This is the ONLY person in the world who can give me GOOSEBUMPS in a middle of a hot flash!” 

“SURREAL AND SO REAL”- Winner of the ‘Paradox of Adam’ contest by Lily 

“He is the most, gifted, creative, charismatic and hard working performer we’ve seen in a very long time, so surely this completely unique gem we describe is special. He is eager to please us and we have responded with as much adulation as any entertainer can get. He is a complete surprise and no one was looking for him, how could we when we didn’t even know such a one existed? No one could have invented or even imagined Adam.” 

Adam’s Aura Reading 

When he sings, a huge blast of sexual energy pours through him, and Adam has learned to be pretty comfortable with letting this happen. It’s a wake-up call to be more alive, not only about sex at all…Because of Adam’s fearlessness, this earth-based energy moves through him during a song, energy ample as an ocean wave, energy swelling to fill the auditorium, energy overflowing into the people watching at home through their screens…if you think you enjoy Adam’s performance at a distance, I hope you get to attend a live performance. The oomph will just soak you then. 

 Message from belly chakra 

How true!! 

Thanks to @Netmeg99 for posting!



From Scranton Pennsylvania… 


Priceless expression on this fan’s face!,0,1736549.story 


Cheesecake Therapy… an Exerpt Promised Yesterday 

This is a beautiful description of an experience at the Cheescake Factory last Septembert.  Xena, Priscilla and I were on the way home from the Syracuse Idol concert and were still trying to console ourselves. For the second time, we did not get to meet Adam in person!   Devastated.. 

“Well, it’s too late to change now, so we just have to force ourselves to sit at that table – with our Adam imaginings in our minds.  Gloria only adds to my torture, by laying her travelling “outdoor” Adam framed photo on each table, where ever we go. 

 Cheesecake – a staple of the women’s comfort food menu and like the cup the knights shared to bond before battle, we order one piece with three forks.  But Gloria has a little scheme – she has ordered a Chocolate Silk Tuxedo – and instructions on “how” to eat this. ” 

Find more at this link! 




Interview: Adam Lambert talks songwriting, cultural experience 

Matt: How has your experience with fans differed around the world? Has communicating with people in Helsinki, for example, differed from people in Japan or here in the States? 

Adam: You know, there’s definitely cultural differences, but one of the things I’ve been so fascinated with is no matter where I’ve gone, there have been fans there that know the music. And I think that’s a testament to the universal power of music. I think that music is the universal language, and I think that fans feel the intention of the music, feel the emotion being conveyed and they all react to it. 



Lambert more than an ‘Idol’ 

(You better believe he’s more than an Idol… He’s a Rock Star Sex God!!!!!  AQD) 


A conversation with Adam Lambert

We put this (tour) together really quick, and this show was designed for the fans. Anyone else who comes is going to love it, but it’s for (the fans). I want it to be theirs, at least to begin with. I want it to be sacred that way. I want it to be an exchange for me and my fans and let them talk amongst themselves and really get excited about it — they’re the ones making it sold out. 

Once we get into a groove and really establish a relationship with the fanbase, then I’d love to have journalists and critics come. I’m really open to that, but I really want to have a week, at least, under our belts to really connect with the audience before it gets exploited by the media, or celebrated. 

I’ve learned a lot this year about media. I love the media, I love interviewing, photography, journalism, but the music and the performance come first to me, and I really want to emphasize that. (The tour) is a slight work-in-progress and there might be some changes in a couple days. I want to really solidify the show before I open it up to critics. 


Adam is now POSTED at VH1 


Thanks to @mindchnger for posting! 

Pictures, videos, submit questions! 


Memories from the Idol Tour- Bowie Medley Syracuse 


A Message to My WowOwow Sisters on Our First Anniversary 


An unbelievable year has passed since Allegra Huston’s article, What is it about Adam Lambert? was posted on WowOwow.  Its been so joyful  having all of you spectacular women who understand the passion for Adam to share with. I am so honoured and priviledged to know you all and to call you my friends. 

Xena and Juneau… congratulations on an epic radio show last night. Amy Wallen and Eber Lambert!! How close to Adam can you get!  I was here listening and beaming like a proud spiritual leader.  The two of you have created an incredible book filled with our love for Adam and each other.  I cannot wait to see how the next twelve months unfold… girls, we have only just begun! 

Priscilla….. thank you for always being there to listen to my rantings and for understanding every word I say about Adam.  Right from start when you heard me mention the name, Adam Lambert at our Diva meeting,  you have been with me all the way. My beautiful  partner in Adam crime!  Thank you for creating the unbelievable birthday present…My cape…  I’ll be wearing it thinking of you tomorrow… can’t believe you arent coming! 

Kate, Kiwi, AEOH, Deedee, Cleo,  Notthern Spirit, NC, and everyone I have forgotten and all the newer sisters…. 

… love you all and look forward to many more years IFLAFL ing with you in Adam heaven! 


Gloria Beth (GBA) 


Who is Adamquotedaily and how Adam inspires her          

All About Me!          

I Have Revealed All… (not really but lots)  about my Adam journey and its posted in About at this link            

Its my story of Adam Inspiration!              

Must read this slightly exaggerated and funny account of meeting Xena at my first Adam Immersion Day!            


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Adam Official website:                   

AO members today:  71,220 (+160)            

Twitter followers:  486,000 (+1040)      

If you are not already a member, please join this site.  It’s important for Adam’s success to have a growing, vibrant official fan site.  There is a great deal of good information there including messages from Adam. If you have had a problem joining or getting a password, send an email to and ask them to look into it or let me know if you still have any trouble. Please email your username to or DM @adamquotedaily (update:  Im in Adamofficial camp… blocked my account so please try to email the mod yourself!)                           

If you have any questions about Adam or are looking for any videos, interviews, etc  feel free to ask me at @adamquotedaily.  I can’t promise answers but I’m willing to try.                            

Please rate this post and/or leave a comment.  Thanx                          


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